Chapter 2, DD?

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A/N Look at this stupid bird being all smug....

I had woken up to Crocodile shaking me awake. I sighed and I rolled over to meet his angry gaze.

"What?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes and he gestured around the room of basically flowers. 

"Where have all of these come from?" He asked me in an angered voice.

"I bought them for myself, I wanted the room to smell a little nicer." I said and he scoffed and walked out of my room. I sighed and fell back on my bed. To be very honest, I was actually considering on staying with DD, at least they would show me some attention. I sigh and I sat my tired body up. I heard crashing down stairs and I sighed in frustration and I rubbed my temples. 

"I guess it's one of those days." I said to myself and I got out of my bed and I went to my dresser to get my clothes and get dressed.

Once I was done with that I lazily put my slippers on and I walked out of my room. Once I did I had seen vases thrown on the floor and I sighed when I also seen glass shattered everywhere. The maids and servants hurrying to clean everything up so they don't die from getting dried up. I sighed and shook my head. I walked past the worried maids and I quickly helped one of them on picking up a giant picture of Crocodile. 

"Thank you madam!" The maid said while bowing and she hurried back to work, I bowed my head back at her and I walked down the long hallway heading towards the continues yelling from Crocodile. I peeked into the kitchen to see him yelling at a woman that was named Nico Robin, I have met her before. She was his attorney. I then walked into the kitchen when I seen him raise his hook, he instantly stopped mid swing and I could feel his glare burn at the back of my neck when I asked one of the maids to get me some water. 

"The bitch is finally up." I heard Crocodile say,

"Well good morning to you as well," I said and I grabbed the cup of water the maid has given to me. I took a small sip from the cup and I threw the rest onto Crocodile and I slapped him in the face. 

"Another woman?! Again?! When will you stop this?! I thought you said you would! You said you loved me, and now I wake up to you basically destroying everything! Also you don't need to call me a bitch, first thing in the fucking morning!" I yelled at him and I could see the rage in his eyes.

"I am not in the mood for your shit today woman!"

"Does not mean you can take it out on everyone else!"

"This is my fucking manor and MY fucking servants! I could treat them however I wish!" Crocodile said getting a little louder.


"LISTEN BITCH, LIKE I SAID; I AM NOT DEALING WITH YOU TODAY. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY MANOR NOW" He yelled and everything around us burst into sand and I flinched as the maids around us, also burst into sand. I glared at him and I turned on my heels and I grabbed my favorite high heel boots and I marched out of the manor while slamming the door as well. 

"UGH!" I let out a frustrated sigh and I marched down the concrete stairs and I walked passed all of the cars that was lined up, I pressed a button and the giant gate opened slightly letting me through. I watched as the giant ate closed and I huffed and walked off to wherever I was going. 

I looked around and I noticed that I was at the park that DD wanted me to meet them at. I looked down at my watch and seen that it was only 3:00 in the afternoon. I sighed and I walked over to the swing set that was there. I sat down and I swung gently just enjoying the breeze that overcame me. I had closed my eyes and just swung gently while I relaxed and also swung my legs softly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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