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POV Haru

If you didn't understand, Haru is the main character.

- No ! Daniel ! Don't die ! Logan Lee ! Don't dare touching my piggy ! I'm gonna kick you're a$$ !!

Dring !!!!!

- Ahhh ! What is this ?

I raise my fists around my head, get my legs ready to kick, and prepare to defend little Daniel, ignoring the horrible noise that woke me up. Wait, woke me up ? Then it means it was a dream ? Daniel isn't gonna die ??

Gosh, I'm so releaved. This nightmare was truly horrible. Anybody would think the same. Well, if I'm being honest, it's only the people that read lookism, and like little Daniel. Like Zoe ! Wait, she's a character, she isn't reading lookism. Anyway, I have to dress, eat, take a shower ... and all this to go to school. Yeah, I know, my life is lame. As yours ! Kekeke ...

Pfffffff. I guess I should stop talking to myself. People are starting to call me crazy. But, you know what ? I don't give a s**t about it !! I just want to live my life happily and Oh !! It's already 8 ! I'm late ! I've gotta hurry !

That's what happens when you're talking to yourself ! Stop it you little voice in my head ! I feel some irony in your voice, so just s*** ... Stop being rude ! I know I don't exist, but I'm always right, and I deaserve some of your respect for all the advices and answers that I'm giving you. Wait ... I even more late because of you ! The teacher is gonna kill me ! Or even worse, torture me to let me suffer until I beg to die ! Don't exagerate everything, he isn't gonna ... STOPPPP ! I've gotta go. Now ! And stop talking to an imaginary voice. See ? She's being rude ! Ohh, you're gonna complain ? or sulk ? So sad.

I ignored the stupid noises in my head, and got dressed as fast as I could, grabbing the first clothes I touched, whitout caring of my appearance. I was always like that, dressed with random clothes, doing random things... I was just used to do what I first thought about, even if it was stupid, or mean. But I'm not evil you know. Everybody thinks about doing mean things all the time, but then, they think about the other people, and do the kindest things ever instead ! I just don't care about that, don't bother to think for hours before I move or talk. You may be telling you that it makes me earn a lot of time. Well, you're right, but this extra hours, I lose them daydreaming, and talking to my inner voice ... and  to you.

Even though I'm already soooo late, I should still be in a hurry, so let's go ! I ran through the strairs, for a long time ( I live in a top floor apartement, ya know ... ) and ...













Oh, and like I'm soooo lucky, I also fainted ... and I've been dragged into lookism's world.

I hope you didn't left before the last sentence, or you won't understand the next chapter ! Kekeke...

Anyways, I'm so happy to finally publish this !! I waited so much ! I thought of the story reading Chibi_chan30's book, wrote the notes, prologue,  sent a message to Chibi_chan30 to ask for permission to write this ... and now I'm here !!

Oh, by the way, what did you think of this prologue ?

Was it too long ?

Or too short ?

Or had too much description ?

Too many inner discusions ?

Something else ?

Or was it perfect :P ? What ? You never know, maybe I just have a natural talent in writting.

So, the most important thing, did you enjoy reading this ?

And do you like Haru's character ? Don't worry, if you can't tell yet, you'll know more about her as the story advances.

See ya in next chapter !!! I'll publish it before the end of the week !

A crazy author

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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