Yeah... I'd Like That

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  Everyone was shocked, there was a loud boom from the locker/boiler room. Even over the music and cheerleading chants it was heard. Everyone from the students and teachers ran to see what happened. Once a teacher opened the door a blow of dubre dust came out. At the end where the door to the boiler room laid two students named Veronica Sawyer and Jayson Dean. Veronica slowly and shakingly sat up coughing from the smoke and dust and take a few breaths before turning to JD. "JD...?" she said as her head comprehends what's happening.

  "JD! JD! Are you okay!?" Veronica says in a panic shaking the teen lightly to try and get him to wake up. After a few seconds JD let out a groan as he came to in a daze. Veronica let out a 'oh thank god' under her breath and carefully pick him up and leaned him over her shoulder do to the gunshot wound on his stomach. As Jayson slowly came out of his daze he said "I'm... alive..." , Veronica said in a nervous yet happy chuckle and said "Y-yeah...You're alive. You'll be okay." .

  "Someone call an ambulance please! We have someone wounded!" A teacher said to anyone who would volunteer to get on the nearest phone. "Clear up please, he needs to sit down." Veronica said.  As told the crowd divided into two halves to let the couple out and set JD down.

~(insert Seventeen here with some small changes)~

  An ambulance had been called and sent on its way for JD and someone got some cloth to cover up the blood and apply pressure to the gun wound. As the students began to calm down and went home, Veronica heard JD muddler " saved me..." . Veronica sat next to boy and said "Of course I did.".

  "...why?" He asked looking at Veronica in a blank way. "Because I love you. I wasn't going to let you kill yourself." Veronica answered simply. JD grew a bit of a frown, "But all the things I did. Heather... Ram... Kurt... the school." He said, Veronica laid her head on JD's shoulder and said "I forgive you... to wasn't okay... but I forgive you." .

  JD just looked down and sat there in guilty and sad silence. "JD... I know the world sucks sometimes, it pisses me off too, but sometimes you have beautiful and great moments that don't suck." Veronica said to try and cheer Jayson up. "We do things we don't mean to, we try to destroy what we think is bad. But if you look at it in a positive way you think to yourself 'It will change to be better... to be good.' . It's hard to do sure, but if you hold on..." Veronica said as she took JD's hand "The good will come and lift you up from the dark.". JD looked at Veronica and said "Do you think I could change...? To be better?" , Veronica smiled "Of course... everyone here needs a second chance." She said. "And if you'd like... I could help you use the second chance for the better." Veronica said nuzzling a little on JD.

  At last Jayson smile a little and said "... yeah. I'd like that."



Yeah... I'd Like That (Heathers/JD x Veronica fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now