Chapter 5 - Chaos

Start from the beginning

"Listen to me, you little punk. You touch my sister again, you'll get worse than a slap to the face. Get away from her, now." He drops Damian, who is in total shock, and then reaches out, putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me along.

I recover from my shock a few moments later as we walk by a row of game booths, the light from the setting sun illuminating everything in a warm orange light.

   "Mark! Holy potatoes!" I hug him. "You are amazing!"

   Mark just laughs. "I just needed to protect my little sister," he says, ruffling my hair a bit. Standing there, with his red bow tie and green TMNT shirt, illuminated by the sunset, I wonder how I ever tried to look farther than him for a superhero. My brother was the best hero I could ask for. (A/N: *holds up giant sign that says AWW*)

   "My hero," I say, still hugging him. (A/N: *imagines fanart that will be made of this moment*) Mark just laughs again.

Suddenly, the moment is stolen from me as I hear a booming crash. I pull away from him, looking around. Looking over to the left, I see that a game booth had s been completely overturned, luckily one of the unoccupied ones. People are running away, screaming, and I quickly see what the source of the commotion is.

A car is barrelling through the pier, knocking over booths and basically making a mess of everything. How it got here I don't know, but then I feel a sense of dread grip my heart as I realise something.

It's our car, and Damian is driving. (A/N: you're welcome JediFlashDemigod 😂)

I have no idea what he thinks he's doing as he destroys another booth, wrecking our car in the process, but I need to stop it before someone gets injured, or worse. I rush over, leaving Mark behind reluctantly, and start waving my arms, trying to get Damian to see some sense and stop the car. Unfortunately, he just continues wrecking the pier. Then the car turns towards me, and I see it coming, too fast.

I can't move, I'm frozen in fear, can't jump out of the way. My only thought is I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die!

Someone tackles me, and the car rushes past us, smashing the entrance to one of the rides. The person quickly gets off of me, and I sit up and look over to see who saved my life.

"What- Rylan?"

Rylan looks like he's seen a ghost. His hazel eyes are wide open, his dusty brown hair in a messy floof. He's also turned white as a sheet, and he looks at me like I'm the ghost he saw.

He stutters, then jumps at me, shouting my name. "Oh my God! You could've died! Oh my God!" He's hugging me, and I squeak "too tight." He let's go quickly. "Sorry!"

"S'okay," I gasp. "Where did you come from?"

"I've been here," he replies. "I just happened to be passing by when the car... Oh God, Skylar, you could've just died!"

   "Yeah," I say, thinking it wouldn't have been the first time I've had my life flash before my eyes. "T-thank you."

"No- no problem," he says.

"We have to figure out a way to stop him," I say, turning back to the car, where, Damian is still wrecking everything.

"You know this guy?"

"Oh yeah. Childhood friend turned enemy."

"Oof," Rylan says, clearly still shaken. I can't say I blame him. Damian is out of control. Sure, he's attacked me before, but he's never gone so far as to make an attempt on my life.

"What do we do?" I have no idea how to stop this.

   Rylan is about to respond when suddenly, our problem gets a whole lot worse. I don't know if monsters are attracted to chaos or something, but out of seemingly nowhere, a dragon plummets from the sky. And not a cute little dragon like you'd see in a fairytale or a cartoon. A beast straight out of a nightmare, with flashing iron talons and fangs, razor sharp spines running the length of its body, a writhing tail covered in more spines, and glowing, pupiless (idk if that's a word or not) red eyes. Ragged, batlike wings are tucked to its sides. The thing is diving towards the car, too fast.

   Damian is dead if he doesn't get out, right now.

   Then, everything in the next few moments happens too fast for me to register.

   I see a flash of black racing towards the car from the ground, hear the sound of breaking glass, see a huge explosion as the dragon collides with our car. I am shocked. I never really liked Damian, even hated him as I got older, but I'd never wished him dead. I knew, however, no one would've survived that explosion.

   However, I see Damian when the explosion clears, unconscious but seemingly unharmed. Jaime is standing next to him, bladed staff in hand. I don't see the dragon, but somehow I suspect it was more explosion proof than it is letting on. It isn't gone for good, wherever it went.

   I feel myself going dizzy. Too much is happening right now. My brain can't process it. I turn to Rylan, leaning on his shoulder to keep from falling over. He steadies me, and I manage to collect my thoughts and stand upright.

   "You guys okay?" I hear a new but familiar voice ask. Jaime stands next to us, dragging Damian along behind him.

   "I- I guess," I say. I see my parents and the Piarchs rushing towards me, and sigh in relief when I see Mark and Alyssa with them. Then, in spite of myself, I feel overwhelmed, and my vision begins to go black. The last thing I remember is falling, someone catching me.

   Then everything goes black.


Well I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter. I mean it started off good, but the end... meh. I hope you all liked it 😂
Well, I just want to say here that no one has responded to my OC contest in my book Just a Little Author. Idk if anyone is actually interested, but I'm extending the deadline to enter by another month. Head over to Just a Little Author for more details!
Alright, enough self promotion 😂
Goodnight fellow humans! I hope you have a great night, and as always, I'll see you all in the next chapter.
~ MineCat57

*mic drop*

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