Chapter 2

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As he walked across the street, Bubble Berry went up to the large house that belonged to the unicorn sea captain named Fancy Pants, and his earth pony partner named Gizmo. On the balcony, Fancy Pants blew his whistle a couple of times, and said "Time gun ready?" "Ready and charged, sir." Gizmo said. Fancy Pants looked at his pocket watch, and said "Three minutes, and six seconds." "Aye, aye, sir." Gizmo said. Bubble Berry looked up on the balcony, and said "What cheer, Admiral Fancy Pants?" Fancy Pants looked down at Bubble Berry, and said "Good afternoon, young stallion. Where are you bound?" "Just going over to visit the home of Elusive, and his wife, Rarity!" Bubble Berry said. Fancy Pants looked at Gizmo as he said "Enter that in the log." "Aye, aye, sir." Gizmo said. Fancy Pants looked down at Bubble Berry, and said "A word of advice, young stallion. Storm signals are up at Elusive's home. Bit of heavy weather brewing there." Bubble Berry nodded, and said "Thank you, sir! Keep an eye skinned!" He then started walking to Elusive's house. But, he then stopped midway when he heard angry shouting coming from inside the house. He sweatdropped as he said "Oh, wow. Fancy Pants wasn't kidding when he said that there's heavy weather at Elusive's house. I'll visit some other time." He then walked away.

Inside Elusive's house, two unicorn pony maids named Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer were yelling and arguing with each other as Sunset Shimmer said "Leave her alone!" "Shut up!" Starlight Glimmer said. "I'll show you!" Sunset Shimmer said. "Don't you be trying to stop the wretched pony! Let her go, that's what I say, and good riddance! I never liked her from the moment she set hoof in the door!" "But, who gets stuck with the foals with no nanny in the house?!" Starlight Glimmer asked. "ME! That's who!" Sunset Shimmer scoffed as she rolled her eyes, and said "Her and her high and mighty ways! And that face of hers would stop a coal barge, it would!" Just then, an earth pony nanny named Suri Polomare started storming down the stairs as she said "Indeed, Mrs. Shimmer! I wouldn't stay in this house another minute, not even if you heap me with all the jewels of Manehatten!" She started to head for the door, but Starlight Glimmer blocked her as she said "No, no, Suri Polomare! Don't go!" "Stand away from that door, my mare!" Suri Polomare said. "But, what am I gonna tell the master about the foals?" Starlight Glimmer asked talking about Elusive and Rarity's daughter and son named Sweetie Belle and Scooteroll.

"It's no concern of mine." Suri Polomare said. "Those little beasts have run away from me for the last time!" As they struggled against each other, Starlight Glimmer said "They must be somewhere. Did you look around the zoo in the park?! You know how Sweetie Belle and Scooteroll is. Coo! You don't think the lion could've got at them, do ya? You know how fond they was of hanging around the cage!" "I said my say, and that's all I'll say." Suri Polomare said. "I'm done with this house, forever." "Well, hip, hip, hooray!" Sunset Shimmer said sarcastically. "And don't stumble on the way out, dearie!" Suri Polomare began to push her way for the door as Starlight Glimmer said "Now, now, Suri Polomare!" They then heard the sound of sompony singing as Starlight Glimmer said "Rarity! She's home!" Outside the house, Rarity was walking home while singing a tune. She then went into house, and put her stuff away as she said "Good evening, Suri Polomare, Sunset Shimmer, and Starlight Glimmer! We had the most glorious evening! Mrs. Mage Meadowbrook chained herself to the wheel of the prime minister's carriage! You should have been there!"

"Mrs. Rarity, I would like a word with you." Suri Polomare said trying to get her attention. Rarity ignored her as she said "And Mrs. Mistmane, she was carried off to prison, singing and scattering pamphlets all the way!" "I'm glad you're home, madam." Suri Polomare said. "I've always given the best that's in me!" "Oh, thank you, Suri Polomare, darling." Rarity said with a smile. "I always knew you were one of us." She, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunset Shimmer started marching and singing until Suri Polomare got really annoyed, and said "Mrs. Rarity!" Rarity looked at the pony nanny as she said "What is it, Suri Polomare?" "Mrs. Rarity, I have something to say to you." "Where are the foals?" Rarity asked. "The foals, madam, to be precise, are not here." Suri Polomare said. "They've disappeared again." Rarity sighed, and said "Suri Polomare, this is really too careless of you. Doesn't it make the third time this week?" "The fourth, madam." Suri Polomare said. "And I for one have had my fill of it. I'm not the one to speak ill of the foals, but-!" Rarity interrupted her as she said "Oh, please, when do you expect them home?"

Suri Polomare sighed, and said "I really couldn't say. And now, if you'd be good enough to compute my wages, I'll-!" Rarity once again interrupted her as she said "Oh, gracious, Suri Polomare! You're not leaving? What will Elusive say? He's going to be cross enough as it is to come home, and find the foals missing!" She gave her banner to Starlight Glimmer as she said "Starlight, put this thing away. You know how the cause infuriates Elusive." "Yes, madam." Starlight Glimmer said. Rarity looked at Suri Polomare as she said "Suri Polomare, I beseech you. Please reconsider. Think of the foals. Think of Elusive. He was just beginning to get use to you." Starlight Glimmer placed the banner in the closet, and looked at the grandfather clock. She began to panic as she said "Posts, everypony!" She, Sunset Shimmer, and Rarity quickly got into position. At Fancy Pants's house, he looked at his pocket watch as he said "Four, three, two, one, fire!" Gizmo fired the cannon, shaking the other houses in the process. Inside Elusive and Rarity's house, some stuff fell over, but, Rarity, Starlight Glimmer, and Sunset Shimmer caught them with their magic, and straightened everything out. Rarity went up to Suri Polomare as she said "Suri Polomare, I do beseech you-!" Suri Polomare interrupted her as she said "My wages, if you please."

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