Part 2

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It was well after dinner. Harry has still not arrived at Grimmauld Palace. After a long fight, Sirius grudgingly agreed to take the three Slytherins in their house. They have been given a single room which the three of them will share. Remus and Sirius will be sharing a single room. Harry was given a whole room to himself. The rest of the Orders will be going to their respective home. Hermione will be staying with the Weasley's in Ginny's room. She and Ginny has now become very good friends. Remus who was in a relationship with Nymphadora Tonks, was now single again as she has decided to take some break from the wizarding world and spend vacations far away from Britain. Remus has not stopped her. He thought it was for the best. Sirius was as always all by himself and living a happy life of freedom and security after many years of struggle. He didn't want to change his life any time soon.

It was close to midnight when the doors of Grimmauld Palace creeked open. The house looked more frightening in the dark. After a lot of struggle Sirius was able to remove Walburga Black's portrait from the hall. So the house was eerily quite. Harry stood at doorway trying to gain his balance back. He was way too much drunk to even stand straight. He closed the door and started making his way towards the stairs but couldn't quite make it and fell with a loud crash. There was quick shuffling at the rooms above. The rest of the residents of the house were asleep by then. They waited for Harry for a long time but eventually gave up as they were also very tired themselves.

"Who's there?" Sirius's loud voice rang through the silence. There was no sound. Sirius and Remus made their way downstairs in the light of their wands. The three Slytherins also made their way with wands in their hand. When they reached the last step they saw that Harry was lying flat on the floor and was bleeding profusely making a pool of blood surrounding him.

"Oh Merlin, he has splinched himself." Draco said with horror. Sirius and Remus quickly hauled up Harry in their arms and carried him to his own room. As they laid him down on the bed, the white bedsheets immediately became red.

"Quickly call someone. He's loosing too much blood." Remus said in a tensed voice. Draco immediately rushed towards the fireplace and called the first person that came to his mind.

"Severus, quickly come here. Potter has splinched himself. He's bleeding heavily." Draco said hurriedly.

"Wait a minute. Let me get the potions." Severus said in a calm tone. But from inside he was quite worried. After sometime when Severus stepped out of the fire, Draco immediately took him to Harry's room. When they went there they saw that Sirius and Remus were trying to hold a thrashing Harry on bed.

"What happened to him?" Severus asked while taking out his potions.

"We don't know. He's highly drunk. I think he tried to apparatus in this state which caused to splinch himself. Now he's probably going through some nightmare." Remus said in a worried tone.

"Move away." Severus ordered the others. They quietly obeyed. Severus slowly healed the wound first and then shoved three blood replenishing potion down Harry's mouth. Severus gently massaged his throat so that the potion goes without any problem. By then Harry's thrashing has ended. Now he was only mumbling unintelligibly. 

"...why am I even alive? Why is it always me? It would have been better if I were dead." They all heard Harry say. Remus and Sirius were staring at Harry sadly. Draco, Blaise and Theo were stunned by what they heard. They couldn't understand why Harry would wish death upon himself. Severus just stared at Harry impassively.

"Why is he saying things like that? We won! He killed him. Then why?" Blaise asked perplexed.

"You don't know Harry. He is like that. He abhores war and violence. It makes him sick. He had to kill someone. That is probably just making him miserable. Moreover so many people died in the war. He blames himself for that." Remus said quietly.

An Unknown Quest // HarrymusWhere stories live. Discover now