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The police found them and Nate was rushed to the hospital. He had lost a lot of blood and his pulse was dropping. Detective Storm questioned Ana and told her they found Nakita at the airport. Nate's heart gave out as the doctors tried to remove the bullet.

Nate heard a child's laughter coming closer to him. He was sitting under a tree when the child ran up to him. He had blond curly hair and one blue and one silver blue eye. "I found you, daddy. Come with me." The child held out his small hand and Nate took it. The boy led him to a peaceful beach.

"I tried to protect you, mommy and Emily but I couldn't. I am sorry daddy, I failed but if you go back you could protect them." Nate looked at the small boy in front of him.

He started crying. "I can't protect them. I couldn't even protect you my own boy." The boy smiled at him. "It was an accident but mommy and Emily needs you daddy. You have to go back now." "Come Sebastian we have to go." An old man spoke.

"We got him back!" The doctor screamed. The doctor made quick work and removed the bullet and started a blood transfusion. Nate was put in ICU. Micaela pulled some strings so that Ana could be with him.

Ana held his hand as she cried. "Come back to me, come back to us. I know you made some mistakes but I also made them and I forgive you. I love you too. I never stopped loving you. I may not remember a lot of things but I do know I love you." Ana fell asleep later holding Nate's hand.y

"Mommy why are you sad?" Ana looked up and saw a small boy siting on Nate's bed. He had blond curly hair and one blue and one silver blue eye. "Daddy is going to be fine and he is going wake up soon. I am sorry I couldn't protect you or daddy but I will always protect you. I have some help now." "Sabastian, we have to go." "Coming grandpa. I love you mommy." The boy said before climbing of the bed and walking out of the room.

Ana woke up to someone playing with her hair. She looked up and found silver-blue eye's looking at her. "I didn't want to wake you. You looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you." "You are awake." Ana said before kissing him. "Yes, and I am not going anywhere. Marry me again, Ana. I made the mistake of letting you go once but never again. I love you some much. Please marry me." "Yes, I will marry you."

It has been five years since Nakita kidnapped Ana and Nate. Thing between Ana and Nate were better than ever. They were married a month after they got engaged and nine months later did Ana give birth to a beautiful girl named Melanie. Melanie is now four.

"Melanie, where is your father?" The dark headed girl looked at her mother. "He is with Mia. She woke up a few minutes ago." Just then Nate walked in with a laughing Mia. Mia is their ten-month-old. Ana and Nate had been trying for a son when she got pregnant with Mia.

During the pregnancy did the doctor saw an anomaly in her womb. The doctor told her that her womb wouldn't survive the pregnancy. On the day of the planed surgery did the doctor discover that Ana is pregnant again. The doctor warned her about a miscarriage. After four months when they went for a scan did the doctor see that she was having triplets.

"Ana, what did I tell you? You mustn't over work yourself. You are eight months pregnant." He said kissing the top of her head. "I know I am just making salad for the barbeque." "Okay honey I am just making sure." He said giving her a kiss before walking outside.

Ana was just finishing cleaning up when she felt a pain in her lower abdomen and her water breaking. Emily and Melanie walked into the kitchen. "Emily go and get my overnight bag and Melanie you go get Daddy and aunt Micaela."

Both girls ran to do what they are told. Nate ran inside with a worried expression. "Ana! What is wrong? Melanie said something happened." "They are coming." "Okay, Nate you take Ana to the hospital and Dante and I will take care of the children." Nate took Ana in his arms before getting her in the car and driving to the hospital.

Two hours later Theodore and Maxwell were born. They were identical twins. The third baby had the cored suck around his neck so the doctors had to do a C-section. After a few moments a loud wail filled the room. The doctor cleaned the baby before giving the baby to Nate.

Nate bent down so that Ana. "We have beautiful children." The baby opened his eyes. One blue and one silver-blue eye stared at them. "What name are you going to give him?" The doctor asked. Nate and Ana looked at each other. "Sebastian." They said together.

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