"So how is work going?" He asks.

"Same stuff, different day." I sigh. "But good news, Joel's new boyfriend, Steven, works at an architectural design company and Steven told his boss about me and he loved me. He wants to meet me. He said the job's basically mine."

"Wow, that's great."

"It really is. It means I get more time to spend with this little munchkin." I stroke Lily's arm.

"How's the pay?"

"Amazing. And I only have to go to work 3 times a week."

"This is amazing, I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks. I'm just trying not to get my hopes up too high, I could still not get the job."

"Joel showed me some of your designs, I'm pretty sure you'll get the job."

"I don't know. I think it's a really good opportunity though."

"You have to take all opportunities in life."

"That's what my mom says."

"Is that her?" He nods towards a photo of my mom and I at my graduation.

"Yeah. She's such an inspiration to me. She's been a real big help in taking care of Lily. She was really supportive when she found out I was pregnant."

"She sounds amazing."

"She is."

"So um," he clears his throat, "do you mind if I ask a personal question?"


"What happened with Lily's father?"

I take a long sigh.

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"No, I trust you." I close my eyes. "Her father and I were going out for less than 2 months then one night at a party we both got kind of drunk. I later found out I was pregnant and he ran faster than you can say 'it's yours'. He wanted nothing to do with her. He left me heartbroken and it's just been hard ever since."

"That's terrible. How could someone leave their own child?"

"I don't know."

"Well, his loss in giving up both of you amazing girls. What an idiot."

"Yeah." I sniffle. I didn't realise that I was crying.

"Here." Justin hands me a handkerchief.

"Thanks." I dry my eyes. "So do you want to order food? Italian? Chinese?"

"Chinese sounds amazing." He smilies at me. A reassuring smile that makes me feel as though everything's going to be okay.

Justin and I spend the rest of the night chatting. Mostly about Lily and other things about our lives


It gets to be 7o'clock, Lily's fallen asleep in Justin's arms.

"She's probably very tired." I say.

"She looks so peaceful."

"You know what's weird?"


"Generally she doesn't take a liking to strangers but she seems to really love you."

That makes him smile.

"I should probably put her to bed now." I stand up.

"I'll carry her."

Justin follows me to her room.

Here For You - Justin BieberDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora