day 1 part 2

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(let's go over everything we learned ticci toby. you are a backup singer you found your dad okay let's go)
toby's Pov: 
"(y-y/n)?" Mr. (l/n) said. "yep d-dad" (y/n) said. then her dad stretched out his arms then (y/n) jumped into his arms and hugged him as he hugged back " I missed you so much" he said, "w-why did you leave... us?" (y/n) said "I had to if I didn't leave you and your mom they would have killed both of yall," Mr.(l/n) said. who would kill her family if those people even lay a finger on her I would kill them then bring them back to life so I could kill them all over again! wow i sound like a protective mother or brother or sister well it doesn't matter. "who would kill us?" she said "my boss but since he died like a year ago I can finally be with my family" he said "but for now we need to get on with class" he said then (y/n) walked back to her seat and wiped her tears away.
{tem skip}
you're pov:
as the last bell rang I walked out of the classroom and to my locker to meet up with Toby. once I get to the hall where my locker is I see Scarlett and three other girls. I really don't care about them right now. once I got to my locker I unlocked it and put some drawings in it. then out of the corner of my eye, I see Scarlett standing beside me "hey (y/n)" she said in a happy tone "hi Scarlett"I said "okay so after school we are going to practice and we need you to be there at 8:44 can you do that" she asked "um y-yeah I think s-s-so"I said in response "why not?" Scarlett asked "I have to g-g-go with my mom somew-where I don't know w-w-where but somewhere," I said "just tell here you cant go," Scarlett said
OH, HELL NAW IM NOT LEAVING MY MOM JUST TO GO PRACTICE IN YOUR STUPID BAND! who does this girl think I am!  does this girl just think I'm that kind of person
"yeah just tell her you cant go that's what I told my mom when she told me that we have to go to her friend's husband's funeral!" Bella said "you lied to your mom so you can practice! that is the m-m-m-most disrespectful thing I have ever heard!" I said "well its true" Bella said I then see Toby at the end of the hallway so I mouth to him go  around and he nods  "what are you looking at?" Lisa said then turned around to see her crush "o-oh hi brandon~," Lisa said "hey Lisa um do you know where (y/n) is?" he asked, why does he want to see me? "oh she's right there bu-" she got cut off by Brandon pushing her out of the way and he walked to me grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and pushed me onto the lockers but when he did one of the locker's open thingy stabbed me in the back "OW!" I yell "sorry but this was a dare," he said then kissed me very passionately I then try to push him off of me but when I did he just pushed me onto the lockers harder once he stopped he drops me and runs away.
"why m-m-me?" I said and pulled my finger. I then get up and run outside but right when I opened to doors and ran down the steps I ran into someone I back up a bit and look up to see Toby "(y-y/n) are you o-o-okay?" he asked. I didn't respond I just hugged him "I guess t-that's a no" he then grabbed my shoulders and I look into his brown eyes "want me t-to ca-carry you home?" he asked I just nod he then turned around and I jumped on his back holding onto him. he then held onto my legs so they won't slide down and then spoke "okay I c-carry you and you t-t-tell me the d-d-directions to your house deal?" he then looks back at me waiting for my answer "deal" I simply say he then started to walk the way I told him to walk once we got to my house I saw a car parked in the drive way  but this car is a car I have never seen before. "toby please let me down"I asked with out ticcing or twitching. he nods and sets me down letting go of my legs. once both my feet touch the ground I grab toby's hand and walk to the door but as I put my hand on the doorknob I hear noises? As I turned the doorknob toby stopped me "maybe we sh-should just go to m-my house" he said. "o-o-okay" I said and he took my hand and we walked to his house
(TEM SKIP!!!!)
we have been walking for 10 minutes but it feels like an hour but when we got there.his house was little and painted blue it seemed like a nice house to live in a normal house but then I felt toby shiver a bit at the sight of his home but I shrugged it off once we got to the door he ticced he then turned the doorknob and once the door was fully opened I can see the inside of his house it looked pretty small from the outside but once I walked in it was huge! like as huge as a mansion! "heh you s-s-seem so... amazed!" he said a bit surprised " I am! I have never been in a house this big!" I said then started to look around. while I was I can hear Toby chuckle a bit as I explore his home. I then start going upstairs and Toby is following right behind me. "let me show you what room belongs to who" he said then walked to a pink door "this is my sister's room" and walked to a brown door "this is my parent's room or my mom's room" and then at the end of the hallway there was a white door "and this is my room!" he said then opened the door to show a small spaced area with just a small bed, a dresser, a window, and a 3 pictures of his family. "why do you have this little room?" i asked "because it was the only room left aster my siter picked which room she wanted and my mom taking the biggest room it left me with this but it doesnt bother me though at least I have a room!" he said he walked in and I followed he lied down on his bed and I sat down beside him I look around to see that he had a hoody on the floor it had stripped sleeves  that were brown and dark brown and the torso part of it was a light brown and the hood was a blue kind of color I get up and walk to it and pick it up I then see toby look at me "oh you can just leave it there." he said I then look back at it then smile a bit. I have an idea!

toby's Pov:
I walk into my room and lay down on my bed it felt so good! then (y/n) sat beside me.out of the corner of my eye I can see that she was just looking around then she stood up. I wonder why? she then bends down to grab something I then see her look at me so I turn my head to her so I can see her completely and I see that she was holding my hoody. "oh you can just leave that there"I said she just looked back at it and after a few seconds she started to put it on. I then sit up look at her confused then she turns around to show me how she looks like it was too big for her reaching to her knees and the sleeves going past her hands "it's too big!" she said and made a face like a child begging for candy "yep look it reaches to your knees!" I said she then looked down to see. "oh would y-y-you...look at that" she said I then laugh at how she said that. "why are you laughing?" she asked "it's.. just the w-w-way you said 'oh w-w-would you look at that'!" I said still laughing "and that's why y-... your l-l-laughing!" she said I stopped laughing and nodded "okay th-" she said but got cut off by a "TOBY!! IM HOME!!!" but that voice is no ordinary voice it's Lyra's voice! "*gasp* Lyra's home!" i whisper yell "your sister's here oh g-g-g-god what's g-going to.... happen...when she f-f-finds out i-... I'm here!" (y/n) whisper yells "i-i don't k-k-know just stay h-h-here or hide un-under my bed okay?" I said she just nodded and hid under my bed. I then open my door and walk down the hall to the staircase and descended the stairs once I got to the bottom i can see her in the kitchen putting some food in the cabinets. "hey l-lyra!" i said she then turned around and smiled "hey toby how was school?" she asked "it w-was...good and I made a n-new friend!" i said which was true "oh what's his name?" she said "oh her n-"I said but got cut off by her sqealying a bit "it's a girl! TOBY GOTS A GIRLFRIEND!!!" she yelled I then feel my cheeks heat up a bit

"she's not my...g-g-girlfriend!" I said "you sure?" she said starting to tease me "yes I'm sure plus guess w-what!" I said "what she asked you out?" she said "no! she has T-Tourette syndrome! just like m-me!" i said she then smiled "another one in the school with the same disorder!" she said a bit surprised. "y-yep!" I said "so what's her name?" she asked "(y/n)"I said with a hint of happiness in my voice. "that's a cute name" she said I just nod "s-so where's m-m-mom?" i asked "she said she had to do something" Lyra said "okay w-w-well... im going to m-my room" I said then started heading upstairs once I reached my room I open the door to see (y/n) still under the bed "y-you can co-come... o-out now" is aid she then crawled out from under the bed and sat on my bed once I closed the door I just started to pace back and forth wondering how are we sopuse to get her out of here? I then go an idea what if we get out from the window! "so t-t-toby... how are we going to get me out o-o-of here?" she asked "maybe we can go t-t-through the w-w-w-window?" I said "um sure?" she said "okay g-get on... my back" I said I then turned around and flet her climb on it hen open the window and climbed out I then walk on the roof looking for a way to get down then I see the trampoline maybe we can jump from there!"ok-okay you h-have to get off of m-me real... quick" i said she then got off of me "okay so w-we are going to have t-t-to jump off of the r-r-r-roof and onto.. the trampoline" I aid she just nods. I then hug her tightly and jump off of the roof but backward so my back was facing the trampoline since I'm the one that cant feel pain I decided that I'm the one that was going to face the fall so if someone gets hurt it would be me. as I feel my back hit the surface of the trampoline I can hear (y/n) squeak a bit but once we stopped bouncing around I let go of her and we jumped off of it and began walking to her house "t-t-toby?" (y/n) said *tic* "y-yeah?" I said "what if they find o-o-out I was at your h-h-house?" she asked "they w-w-will never *tic* find out,"I said confidently "o-okay*tic*," she said we then make it to her house and I see that the car is gone "o-o-okay well see y-y-you *tic* tomorrow toby" she said and smiled "b-bye*tic*" and with that I see my one true friend walking into her home. once she closed the door behind her I started heading back to my house once i see the street sign with the name 'pine street' which is my street I walk down looking for my house and then I see a little blue one AKA my house I walk in and see no one is down here I walk upstairs to hear laughing in my room I then look in and see she's laughing at her favorite show. I just walk into my room once I get there I open it and once walk I get this feeling that I was being watched? but I shrugged the feeling off.I close the to my room and walked to my bed and lied down I just started at the ceiling until I realized. (y/n) still has my hoddie I can just get from her tomorrow as my eyelids started to get heavy and i started falling asleep slowly but before i did I heard some static and saw someone in the corner of my room but I think i was just hallucinating and then i drift into sleep.

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