Chapter 1

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Elsa P.O.V

Hello there! I'm Elsa Anderson. I'm 16 and I'm studying at Winter F. Highschool. People usually call me 'Ice Queen'. Why, you ask? Because I'm a cold hearted girl. I isolated myself from people except my family and my cousin, Rapunzel Willams.

I actually was a bubbly, funny girl back then in middle school. I had a lot of friends and I loved them. Until one day, I found out the true that they only played with me because they wanted to be popular. As you know, from primary school to high school, I always a popular girl with my beauty. After I have found out the true, I lost my trust in friends. I started isolated people and became a cold girl. The only person who play with me as a true friend was Rapunzel.

Well, that was a sad story. But we can't start the story with a sad begin, right? Welcome to story of my life!


I sit up, shut my alarm clock and go to the bathroom. After usual morning stuffs, I take a shower and change into some clothes. I put my hair in a ponytail and wear my sneakers. I go downstairs and walk in the kitchen.

Elsa: Hi mom! Hi dad!

Mom: Hello dear! Have some chocolate pancakes!

Elsa: Chocolate? Thank you so much mom!! You're the best!!

My parents chuckle and I start finishing my breakfast. After finish my breakfast, I grab my bag and head to the doorway.

Elsa: Bye mom!! Bye dad!!

Mom: Bye sweetie!!

Dad: Bye daughter! Have a nice day at school!

Elsa: Okay!!

I wave at them and walk to school since the school is near my house. As I walk in my school, many whispers are heard. 'Look! There's the Ice Queen.' 'She's so beautiful but so cold.' 'I love her.' 'My my...The Ice Queen is here.' 'Such an Ice Queen.' 'Ice Queen.' Blah...blah...blah...

I ignore all of them and keep walking to my locker. As I reach my locker, a familiar voice rang out. 

???: ELSA!!!

I turn around as a cute blonde-haired girl runs to me and hugs me. I giggle.

Elsa: *rubs Rapunzel's head* Hello there pretty princess!!

Rapunzel: I miss you so much, Elsa!!

Elsa: Really?! We just met last week.

Rapunzel: *pouts* An hour without you is like a year to me.

She's so cute.

Elsa: Aww...That's so sweet. Now let's go to our class together, okay?

Rapunzel: I afraid not. Mr.North told me that he need to meet you in the principal's office.

Elsa: Me? Why me?

Rapunzel: Hello~? You're the president of the student association. It's necessary for him to meet you on the first day back to school. Or maybe he need you to show some new students around?

Elsa: Oh...You just remind me about being a president. Okay okay! I'm going to him now. I'll see you later, okay?

Rapunzel: Okay snowie! Bye bye! Love you, my bestie!

Elsa: Love you too, Princess.

We wave and I head to Mr.North's office. I knock on the door and a familiar voice is heard. 

Mr.North: Come in!

Elsa: *walks in* Hello Mr.North! Long time no see.

Mr.North: *smiles* Oh...Elsa! Good morning! How are you?

Elsa: I'm good. Thanks! So what do you need me to do?

Mr.North: There's a new transfer student and I need you to show him around. Is it okay with you?

Elsa: No worry. It's my job as the student association's president. Leave it to me.

Mr.North: Ah...Great! His name is Jackson Overland. He will be here in a few minutes. You can wait him at the school's gate. 

Elsa: Okay Mr.North! If there's not thing else, I will leave.

Mr.North: Okay! Have a nice day! 

Elsa: I will and you too.

He smiles as I wave. I walk to the school's gate and wait for this Overland boy. Jackson Overland. Why does it sound so familiar? Where did I it?

Then I hear someone go to the school gate behind me. It's must be that Overland boy since everyone are in their classes. As I turn around as I say.

Elsa: Welcome to Winter Frost High school! It's nice to meet you. I'm the president of the student, E...

???: Elsa? Is that you?

I look up at the person who is in front of me. OH...MY...GOD!! It's...

>>To be continue<<

Hey peeps!! How was the very first chapter of this? Did you enjoy it? I hope you did xP That's all for today!! I will update as soon as I can. Have a nice day my peeps!! Bye bye!! I love you!!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2018 ⏰

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