The Post

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I feel like I'm trapped. I have been sitting in my room all summer, and I have been dwelling on this one thing. This one thing could ruin my whole life or make it better. I have been hiding it for so long, I don't think I can do it anymore. The only thing holding me back from telling everyone is I'm afraid of change, it makes me nauseated. I have to find a happy medium to share this secret or I might jump out my window. I walk over to my laptop and go to tumblr. I write this really cheesy and kind of poetic status, and then at the end I add I am gay. The I am gay part has nothing to do with my amazing poetic stuff, but I have to let people know some how. At the end I sign it as blue, I don't want people to know it's me. Deep breathe in, deep breathe out, no one will know it's you bram stop being over dramatic. I hit post and roll my chair away from my laptop. Shit... did I really just do that. I came out to the whole school, well not really.... but it still counts. It's fine know one will probably read it anyways. I roll back to my laptop and shut it. I take another deep breathe. Wow I wonder what actually coming out is gonna feel like.

Hi, I know this first chapter isn't that great, but I promise I'm better at writing then this. I wrote this at like 4am, because why not🤷‍♂️

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