Moonbin x Reader

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Moonbin meets you at a meet and greet after a concert.
(Y/N) = your name
(Y/Bf/n) = your best friend's name
(F/D) = Favorite drink

Moonbin was at the meet and greet at one of the concerts, he doesn't really care for the quick talking and kind of hated being put on the spot by girls who were screaming and just to excited to have a normal conversation. Although there was one girl who he did enjoy talking to.
Your POV
"Do we have to go?" You asked your
"Aren't you excited?" She practically yelled at you.
"Yeah but the meeting them and stuff is not exactly something I'm good at." You said. You are just kind of awkward when it comes to meeting your bias.
"They will love you I am sure." (Y/bf/n) told you reassuringly.
"Yeah as long as I don't freeze up and pass out in front of them." You told her.
"You won't I promise and if you do Moonbin might be there to catch you." She told you with a grin.
"Haha yeah right." You fake laughed back at her.
Time skip: after concert
"Hey, I'm Moonbin." Moonbin said half way awkwardly as you walked up to where he was standing.
"(Y/N)" You said as your heart fluttered inside your chest about 100 miles per hour.
"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." Moonbin smiled.
You saw your friend striking up a conversation with their bias. She looked as though she had known them her whole life which is kind of true since she kept tabs on all aspects of his life.

"Could I get a picture with you?" You asked him nervously.

"Yeah of course." Moonbin said, it almost seemed as if he was caught in a daze.

You put your arm around his waist in order to get a picture with him. That is when your heartbeat was so fast you thought it was going to tire itself out and stop completely. After the picture was taken he asked if you enjoyed the concert, of course you said yes. You also told him about your friend, and about how you felt as though you were going to pass out. He laughed and made sure that you were not going to actually pass out. Then he signed a piece of paper, handed it to you, and you had to leave. There was something about you that he liked about you though because once you looked at the paper he had signed, his phone number was on there as well. All the paper said was to call him.

"Hello (Y/N)?" Moonbin answered secretly he had been thinking about you.

"Hey, I will be at Starbucks at 9:00, so if you could come that would be great." You told him.

"Yeah sounds good see you then." He told you and you hung up.

"You are going to meet up with Moonbin!" (Y/Bf/N) yelled at you.

"Yeah I am!" you said excitedly.

After getting dressed you headed to the Starbucks that was only a block away. You ordered your (F/D) and sat down at a table near a window. You sat there for about five minutes when Moonbin entered the room he looked disheveled and was breathing heavily, his eyes scanned the room, he found you and sat down.
"Sorry did you have to wait long?" He asked as soon as he caught his breath.
"No not long at all." You said as you smiled and took a sip of your drink.
"Good." He said with a sigh of relief, "I came as soon as I got your message."
"Which must not have been long ago." You said this and grinned at the disorganized mess sitting across from you.
"Yeah I woke up about 8:45 then heard the message so I threw on some clothes and ran here." He said.
"It is impressive that you got here so quickly." You told him, "maybe you should be a runner."
"Only if you are the one standing at the finish line." He said with a grin.
"How about you order a drink and then we can go for a walk down the street." You said, "or maybe a run."
"No more running, I can't feel my legs now." He laughed, then stood up to go get coffee.
After he had his coffee, you went for a walk down the street. You had walked about a half mile away from the Starbucks when you felt something wet fall from the sky and onto the tip of your nose.
"I think it might be starting to rain." You told him.
"I don't feel anything." He said and continued to walk.
All of the sudden the floodgates were opened and rain started to pour. Moonbin put his jacket above your head to try and keep you dry. Although it was completely futile seeing as though you were soaked, it was still a cute gesture. Finally you reached a clothing store with an awning, you were shivering so he pulled you close to him, putting his arms around you and resting his hands on your back. You stayed like this for a few minutes until the rain stopped, then he pulled back from you, he put a hand on the side of your face, and gently stroked your cheekbone with his thumb. He looked at you his eyes were sparkling, his eyelashes had raindrops in them. Moonbin leaned his head in, you did the same, as your lips met you could taste the coffee he had been drinking before. His lips were soft and passionate against yours, they moved in sync for a minute then you had to pull apart to breathe. He pressed his forehead to yours and smiled.
"We have to do that again sometime." He said as he pulled back.
"Yeah definitely." You told him.
He put his hand in yours, and you two started walking back toward the hotel together smiling the whole way.

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