Day 16 - December 18

Start from the beginning

Geoff looked at Jawn who was tilting his head to look back at him,

"It's tomorrow? That's such short notice!" Geoff scoffed and put the letter on the table, "We're all going, right?"

"Of course we are, we can't let him be alone!" Jawn said, standing up straight and crossing his arms over his chest, "But there is something else," 

Geoff raised an eyebrow and watched Grace stand up from where she was bent over to type on her laptop,

"Awsten's mom is currently on her way here."

Geoff's eyes widened as he struggled to form words. His eyes flicked between Grace and Jawn, not knowing who to speak to.

"On her way here as in?..."

"She's about half an hour away."

"WHAT?" Geoff yelled, making Grace flinch, "She couldn't have given us more warning? We don't have the room, the house isn't even tidy!" 

He walked into the living room, picking up random things that were scattered on the back of the sofa and the floor, and began putting them in their rightful place, or pacing back to the kitchen to put things in the sink or the washing machine.

"She can stay in Awsten's room for tonight, that's no hardship... but we have a more pressing issue..." Geoff stopped pacing and put the tshirt he was holding over his shoulder. He motioned for Jawn to continue speaking,
"She hates Grace and you're currently dating her son." Jawn said bluntly.

Geoff and Grace immediately looked at each other in panic. Geoff didn't think Awsten would have told his mom about them dating and after Awsten's history with Grace, he didn't think she'd be too welcoming to the idea of her being there, let alone living there. Grace groaned and once again bent over to type on her laptop, this time typing even faster.

"It'll be fine, everything will be fine... Grace being here will be the least of her worries." Geoff said weakly while shrugging.


"What the hell is she doing here?" Mrs Knight spoke as soon as she caught sight of Grace. Grace stood frozen in her tracks in the kitchen, "You think you can just waltz back in here and act like you didn't hurt my baby boy?"

She began to walk towards Grace with an intimidating look on her face, but Geoff quickly walked to Grace's side and Jawn stood in front of Mrs Knight.

"Actually... Grace and Awsten are friend's again," Jawn said shrugging, and Mrs Knight's eyes widened, "And Grace lives with them now."

"Geoff? Is this true?" She asked loudly, her eyes flicking between Grace and Geoff, noticing that Geoff had his arm around Grace in a protective way. Geoff just nodded and spoke quietly,

"We all need to stick together after everything that happens... None of us want to be alone." As he spoke, he felt Grace take his hand behind her back and squeeze it. Mrs Knight hummed, her squinting at the two of them and Geoff squirmed slightly, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Is that why you two have been sleeping together, then?" She said, and Geoff nearly choked. Jawn burst out laughing and Grace's face flushed. Geoff sputtered as he tried to find his words,

"We-.. We're not, um.. Me and Aw--" Geoff kept stuttering not knowing how to respond, especially under the glare of Mrs Knight, "Why does everyone think we've slept together?!" He said loudly, it being the only sentence he could form, and Jawn's laughter increased.

"Mrs Knight, with all due respect, me and Geoff haven't been sleeping together but it wouldn't be your place to comment even if we had." Grace said, locking eyes with the woman across from her.

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