"So?"Fred asked, I rolled my eyes and answered for them,

  "So! A genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be folded by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an aging potion"I replied, and they just smirked.

  "Yeah, but that's why it's so brilliant"George said stood up looking down at me,

  "Because it's so pathetically dimwitted"Fred said pinching my cheek and I slapped his hand away,

  The twins stood up and shook the bottle,

  "Ready Fred?"George asked,

  "Ready George"Fred answered they hooked arms and held the flasks in their mouths,

  "Bottoms up!"They exclaimed, and I tried to stop them.

  "No stop!"I cried, but too late. They drank it, then jumped into the circle and nothing happened,

  "Yeah!"They cheered, and everyone clapped, including me, and Hermione then glared,

  "What? They're my brothers,"I defended myself,

  Then they put their names in the goblet and again nothing happened, they gave each other high five, but a blue light from the goblet shot at them. Sending them away, and suddenly they grew breads and white hair, I laughed at them in triumph, and they looked at each other.

  "You said!"Fred said,

  "You said!"George said, and they started fighting. Everyone started chanting fight. They kept on fighting and I was laughing so hard, I high-fived with Harry and Ron.

  But it all died down when Viktor Krum walked with Karkaroff by his side, he patted him and Viktor put his name in the goblet. I walked over to the twins and I chuckled at them and they glared at me,

  "See? Next time you must hear what I say, old men"I teased, and they rolled their eyes,

  "Oh yeah, Like we will hear"George said, and I folded my arms,

  "I will make sure to prank you"I said, and Fred smiled teasingly.

"Oh, We are better than you in pranks, sweetheart"Fred said,

  "Is that a challenge?"I asked, raising my left eyebrow,

  "Yes"Both of them said,

  "Alright, I accept it"I said and walked away from them,

  "Yeah, But don't come crying when we beat you"They called,

  "We will see!"I called back and smirked walking away.


  I walked out from the Great Hall, I was walking in the garden,

  "Hey, Led!"I turned around and saw Harry, I smiled stopping, "Hey!"He said and stopped in front of me smiling,

  "Hey,"I said softly, and he stood there for awhile, rubbing his neck.

  "Look I'm sorry about the way I have been treating you, I didn't mean it"He said and I looked down,

  "It's fine, Harry, really,"I said, and he shook his head,

  "That all happened for a reason, and I.. I just don't know how to tell you this,"Harry said, started getting nervous. I grabbed his hand,

  "Harry, you can tell me anything,"I assured him, he took a deep breath and looked at me straight in the eyes,

  "From the moment I saw you, I knew I had to get you one way, or another. You attract me in a way that nobody can. The way you smile, talk, laugh, hell even the way you zone out! It all just makes my heart flutter."Harry said, and I smiled fondly encouraging him for going,

  "When you were hurt and was taken to the Hospital Wing, I was terrified, terrified of losing you, and for the first time I felt unable, and I cried waiting for you to wake up. As the years passed by, I couldn't help myself anymore, boys were drooling over your feet and I just can't lose you like this. What I am trying to say is that, Adelaide Eve Weasley, I'm in love with you."Harry said, and I swear my heart stopped, he finally said it! He loved me!

  "I want to take our relationship to a whole another level, what do you say?"Harry asked, and I felt tears in my eyes, I laughed in pure joy and threw my arms around him.

  "I do! I do love you! I love you, Harry James Potter."I said, and I heard him laughing, and we pulled away, he took my face between his hands, and crashed my lips to his.

  I felt fireworks going off, butterflies erupted in my stomach, I felt like I was on cloud nine. The kiss got heavier by the second and we pulled away out of breath,

  "You don't know how long I have been waiting to do this,"Harry whispered, and I smiled.

  "You don't know how long I have been waiting for you to do this,"I chuckled, and Harry smiled capturing my lips once more.


  Hello, beautiful people!

  I didn't delete the story just for you all ❤

  But please give me feedback!

  What do you think of Harlaide? In my opinion, I loved it! 💖

  Leave comments please! I want your opinions!



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