High School of the Death Note

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Ahh great my new home.’ I looked at the boarding school my parents were dumping me for the remainder of the year. 

“Nariko, are you alright? You haven’t spoken the entire trip up.” I turned my attention away from the school and towards my mother.

“Oh I’m just peaches mother.” I said with as much sarcasm as I could muster.

“Don’t be that way Nariko.” Mother frowned, “I know your father and I couldn’t keep taking you around the world with us.”

“Step Father.” I mumbled so no one could hear me.

“Come on it’s only for a year and Kanisa Academy is a school for the best and brightest so you’ll fit in just fine.” My Step Father Sanduko said encouraging. I looked out the window at the school again and watched as all the students in their yellow blazers and woollen vests walked to their next class.

“And the richest.” I turned back to face the front, “Come on, I probably already know more than most of the kids here.”

“None the less we’ve already enrolled to this school so there’s nothing we can do.” Mother paused as the car stopped outside the front building, “You’ll just have to tuff it out.”

I scoffed. Tuff it out, I could tuff it out in Africa where lions would come by our tents looking for food. I could tuff it out in America where I would have to fight with aggressive teenage males to get home every other day. I toughed it out and I enjoyed it, but I wouldn’t touch this place with a barge pole.

“But ...”

“No but’s ,” My Mother placed her hands to her temples and sighed, “Nariko. Look there are already people here to show you around the school.”

I looked out the window, there was a man and a woman standing at the bottom of the marble steps leading up to two large wooden doors.

“Look Nariko, I know you want to would rather come to Egypt with your Father and I.

Step Father.’ I mentally corrected.

“But you can’t, so just do this one thing for me and it will be the last time I ask anything of you.”

I looked at my Mother coldly and opened the door with my bag in the hand.

“You always say that.” I got out of the car and closed the door without looking back. As I approached the woman I imminently started to feel uncomfortable; her light brown hair was up in a neat bun at the back of her head and her nails were cut round at the tips of her fingers and painted with clear nail polished, she dressed in a light yellow dress suit with pastel yellow heels, even her makeup was neat and spread evenly across her face.

“Miss Nariko Hidaku.”

I nodded slightly.

“Welcome to Kanisa Academy. I am Mrs Takada, the Headmistress and this is Mr Asagi he is the Head Teacher.”

Mr Asagi had dark brown hair that was cut neatly around his ears and neck; he too was wearing a neat suit with black nicely shined shoes.

“Nice to meet you.” I bowed; I was starting to feel very out of place I mean here I was surrounded by students wearing their school uniforms and here I was dressed in a blue and white striped short sleeved shirt, a black zip up vest, blue jean and my black skate shoes.

I followed Mrs Takada and Mr Asagi into the school and down the hall past all the classrooms and staring student, we didn’t pause until we reached a stair case leading up to the next floor, next to the stairs was another wooden door with ‘Headmaster’ written on it in gold so it stood out from the oak door. Mrs Takada opened the door and led me inside; the room warmly with yellow walls and a fine wooden desk.

“Please take a seat. ”Mrs Takada gestured to one of three comfy looking seats set opposite her desk. I sat down in the one furthest away from the window and sat my bag down next to me.

“So here is your time table, books and your new uniform.”

Mr Asagi handed me a stack of books with a piece of paper on top with my classes and a plastic bag that held my uniform.

“You will be expected to turn up on time, organized and proper school uniform. You may be allowed to change into your own clothes after school hours and on weekends and holidays.”

I nodded as I looked at my time table.

“I think you have history first.” Mrs Takada asked.

“Yes.” I confirmed. At that moment a girl skipped past the door holding her books in one hand and swinging the other.

“Ahh, Anzu.” Mrs Takada called, the girl came back to the door and stuck her head through the door so her short brown hair fell around her shoulders.

“Yes Mrs Takada?” her voice was bubbly but cautious at the same time.

“This is Nariko Hidaku. She’s just starting today.”

“Oh, Hi!” she seemed to relax and smiled at me warmly and waved.

“Hi.” I replied waving slightly.

“What class do you have next?” Mrs Takada asked Anzu.

“Umm History.”

Mrs Takada nodded.

“Could you show Nariko to the history classroom and show her around to school.”

“Sure! Come on.” Anzu called enthusiastically. I got up and grabbed my bag from the floor before walking to Anzu.

“So you’re new here.” Anzu asked as she walked down the hall looking back every now and then to see if I was still with her.

“Yeah.” I replied.

“What school did you go to before you came here?”

“I didn’t, I was home schooled.”

“Ah kay.”

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