Chapter 6

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A bowl of miki noodles served as my comfort food. Its aroma, tasty soup and crusty ingredients satisfied my taste buds. I feel better now as I feel full.

Well, I may be hurting but at least I enjoyed eating my comfort food. It's one of my favorite foods because every time I eat it, I feel better especially when I'm sick with fever and flu. It brings out the high temperature inside my body just like now. The cold shower I made earlier didn't suffice me so I found myself eating this and it felt so good. It's as if something magical happened to me and I now feel lighter than ever. I just wish this feeling will last the whole day.

I was about to leave the restaurant when upon turning back, I bumped someone else. "Hey you stupid girl, watch your steps! Don't you have eyes to see that you can bump anyone else here? This is a crowded place so don't act like you're all alone!" shouted by someone at me. I can see her fuming eyes as she uttered all those words. I felt humiliated as she mocked at me and before she could do any drastic things to me, a guy took her away from me. He said, "Sorry she's just not in the right mood."

No words came out from my mouth as tears continuously fell down my eyes again because of that unpleasant scene and more of which are given by the realization that the girl who shamed me is Royce's girlfriend. She owns an angelic face but acts and speaks like a beast always ready to devour her prey. If Royce didn't get her away from me, she might have hurt me.

See, it was just an unintentional bump, an accident. It already made her act cruelly. What more if she came to know that I like her guy? She might bury me from where I am standing. It gave chills to my bones so I hurried and packed my things. I quickly ran to the parking lot to get my car but to my dismay, I saw one of my car's tire is flat and worst is the car parked beside it is no other than Royce's girl. She was already starting her engine when she saw me and again shouted, "You freak! We're not yet done." She was about to go out her car when Royce came to calm her. I saw him kissed and hugged her to calm her down.

It was a painful sight but I'm thankful because his gesture prevented her from attacking me again. Royce was able to appease her so she continued leaving while Royce waved at her saying a sweet goodbye. I couldn't help but cry again while I leaned on my car.

As Royce turned to see me, he said, "Oh again I'm sorry. She's just upset because I can't drive her home. I have works to finish before my deadline. Anything I can help you with?" I quickly wiped my tears and pointed at my flat tire. He laughed at me and said, "Don't worry, I will send my mechanic to fix it. He's just one call away and for the meantime, you can stay at the waiting area."

I felt relieved and lost as he guided me back, called his mechanic and even offered me a drink. He's such a gentleman. He stayed with me while waiting for my car to be fixed although we weren't able to talk that much because he is doing some things with his laptop and giving directions to his staff. I got to watch at him closely again just like the first time we met. No wonder any girl can easily fall for his charms just like me. If I can just prolong his company with me but the mechanic immediately arrived and did his work as fast as he can. 

"There you go, Ma'am everything's done now!" said the mechanic. "Thank you. You're such a savior!" I remarked. I gave his pay and I tried to say goodbye to Royce but he just waved at me and smiled. I was hoping he can also help me go through my car but he is beset with his responsibilities at his work. Anyway, his sweet smile and wave of goodbye is enough for me to treasure and go home happily. It consulted the things which his girlfriend did to me earlier.

A Work of Artजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें