Chapter 12: The Tri-City Schools Raid Trip

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): Wait what!? Come back!... -_- ass.

Y/N looked at the war torn city of Osaka.

(Y/N): Wow this place is absolutely destroyed... and it isn't MY FAULT!!! HELL YEAH!! The Prime Minister can't get angry with me this time! Now, where's Ryuko?

Y/N made his way through the war engulfed city, carefully avoiding the various fighting students from both schools. He eventually ran into a very silly and familiar face.

Mako: *nom* *gasp* I've never seen those before!

Mako was zipping between various shops, purchasing food and souvenirs.

(Y/N): Mako!

Mako: Y/N!! You're here!! Yay!!

Mako launched herself at Y/N and gave him a huge hug.

(Y/N): Nice to see you too, Mako. -_- What's all that stuff you're carrying?

Mako: Oh these are all the trinkets from Osaka I'm gonna bring home! My family is gonna be so happy!

(Y/N): Mako, has anyone ever told you, you're very strange?

Mako: Yeah! Loads of times!

(Y/N): Good.  So, where's Ryuko?

Mako: Eh? Ryuko's here too?

(Y/N): *sigh* If you don't know where she is, I don't have a clue.

Mako: That's easy! All we have to do is find the biggest explosions! Ryuko is sure to be close behind!

(Y/N): Don't just say that, like it isn't something immensely dangerous... -_-

Before the two of them could get anywhere a group of students, wearing Senketsu's patches, bumped into them.

Mako: Huh?

One-Star Student: Hey, you're Mankanshoku and (L/N)! The second-years! What are you doing here?

(Y/N): Uh...

One-Star Student: You guys deserted in the face of the enemy and have been goofing off, haven't you!? What do you think the Raid Trip is about, anyway? Purge them!

(Y/N): -_- I've mentioned I hate this school right?...

The students picked Y/N and Mako up and were preparing to pummel them into the ground when a motorcycle jumped from the smoke and drove over all of them, collecting the scraps of Senketsu as they fell.

Mako: Ryuko!

Ryuko: Mako! Y/N! I see you guys are taking things easy and taking in the Osaka sights, huh?

(Y/N): I can't see anything through all the smoke though...

Mako: Am I glad to see you, Ryuko!

(Y/N): Oh yeah, are you alright? I heard you got into a fight with that creepy lady again.

Ryuko: Yeah I did...

Ryuko placed the various scraps into her guitar case.

Mako: Senketsu's all chopped to bits!

(Y/N): Is he gonna be okay?... I can't believe I just asked that...

Ryuko: Yeah, I'll get him back. I'll take back every last piece and make him good as new.

Mako: Oh I see, Ryuko. You're going to these lengths 'cause he's your only uniform.-

(Y/N): -That she talks to...


(Y/N): Ow.

Ryuko: *smirk* I missed doing that.

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