When I Fall In Love

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~When I Fall In Love~

'They all say love at first sight is a lie.'

'They all say true love has lost its meaning.'

     Well I am here today to tell you, that they are dead wrong. Although, there was a time when I thought those critics and criticizers were right. My name is Jasmin Williams. I have red-orange hair, hazel eyes, and I just found the man of my dreams. My Prince Charming.  It all started when I had been invited to a Spring Formal of sorts and nearly declined the offer had it not been for my mother's constant nagging. 

"You are of age and you don't even have a boyfriend yet!"

"I don't want one."

"You are beautiful, smart, and funny. What's not to love?"

"You are kind of obligated to say that."

"You are going to this even if I have to drag you there!"

"Ugh...FINE MOM!"

      So, I finally grudgingly agreed and was whisked away to the mall to get a dress. You see, I was 25 and the most hopeless candidate for romance in the world. The night of the Formal came like a flash of lightining and I was honestly nervous. What would people think? My dress was a strapless, white evening gown with sparkling rhinestones in a flame design decorating the skirt. It at least matched my hair, even if it reminded me of Katniss. YUCK! Anyway, I pulled up to the dance hall in the limo mom had ordered and I panicked. There were so many handsome, wealthy looking men! They all stared in awe as I walked the red carpet. I, on the other hand, had one man in my sights as I sat at a table inside the hall.

     He was at least six foot tall with midnight black, curly hair and chocolate brown eyes. His skin was kissed by the sun, just the perfect amount of tan. He wore an all black suit with a blue tie. He was gorgeous. Alas, there was no way he was interested in some nobody like me. There were women far prettier than I fawning over him like high school girls. Still, I couldn't shake the fact that when he made eye contact with me, there was an instant spark of...something between us. Was it love? My heart was pounding as he approached. I turned my attention to the dancers, trying to look nonchalant. "Hello. My name's Mark and you are?" 

     I pursed my lips and regained my composure, looking into his eyes. "I am Jasmin. It is wonderful to meet you Mark." I extended my hand and he took it, pulling me elegantly from my seat and kissing my gloved knuckles. A song started to play that I think we both recognized. When I fall in love by Celine Dion and Clive Griffon. Crap. "May I have this dance?" I couldn't decline, that would be rude. Even if I hated dancing. "Yes, you may." He swept me gracefully onto the dance floor just as the lyrics came in. The handsome devil began singing to me!

When I fall in love

It will be forever

Or I’ll never fall in love

In a restless world

Like this is

Love is ended before it’s begun

And too many

Moonlight kisses

Seem to cool in the warmth of the sun

He smiled at me and said, "Your turn." I bit my lip and began to sing quietly.

When I give my heart

I give it completely

Or I’ll never give my heart (I’ll never give my heart)

And the moment I can feel that you feel that way too (I feel that way too)

Is when I fall in love with you.

     A feeling had begun to grow within me. I felt a strange, almost supernatural attraction to this man. The duet part of the song came in and we sang together as we spun around the dance floor. When the song ended everyone cheered and this man I'd known for about five minutes leaned in and kissed me passionately on the lips. I felt no objection inside me, so I kissed back. It was over as soon as it began, I loved every second. We walked back to the table smiling at each other the whole way. He took out a pen and wrote his number on a napkin. "Call me." He said and walked out of the dance hall, leaving me in my reverie. I looked at the napkin again and sighed. It was signed, 'Love isn't just for fairytales.' ~M. Ruffalo


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