Chapter 1 ~ Meeting him

Start from the beginning

"of course not" i replied

We carried on walking down the high street until we could see the beach we sat down on the golden yellow sand and started talking, did I mention James was really good looking? I think i have

"So umm James what do you like to do then?"

"Well I'm in a band but when we aren't doing gigs or stuff like that I'm normaly at the gym or here"

"Wait your in a band... what is the band called"

"The Vamps"

"I've heard of you guys!! How did I not realise" his smiled turned into a frown "you guys are really good"

He put a fake smile on "thanks"

"James what's wrong as soon as I said I knew the vamps you seemed... disappointed"

"Soph...Sophie, look the thing is whenever I tell a girl I'm in the vamps they kinda freak and you know try and make me buy them everything becuase they think I'm rich and they act all different and all of that it just ruins my chances with a girl... not that I dont love being in the band it just changes everything" he was looking at the ground and messing with the sand I could tell he was upset

"James you being in a known band doesn't change anything about how I felt about you before I knew and I how I feel about you now i know"

He looked up at me and smiled, his eyes were staring into mine

"You really mean that?"

"Yes James I really do"

We both stared at the waves crashing against the sand. It was really relaxing really until


My phone went off. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw Jades name on the lock screen

"Wait one second" I said talking to James

I answered the phone

"Hello jade?"

"Sophie! you've been out for ages I only thought you were going to Starbucks?!" Jade shouted down the phone "And you didn't offer to buy me one!"

"Oh yeah I was but... I'll explain when I get back"

"Okay but Mia said you have to come back now she was gonna get us a takeaway"

"Okay I'll be back in about 5"

"well hurry up" she sighed

"okay bye"

I ended the call and put my phone back in my pocket

"I have to go in 5 minutes" i sighed turning James

"I know i kinda heard you say it over the phone. Not that I was ease dropping or anything!" I laughed a little "umm Sophie?"

"Yes James!?"

"Can I have your phone number since I really enjoyed this today and I would like to do this again... if you want to that is" I laughed "what?" He said panicking

" James stop worrying I had fun today to and I would love to do this again now pass me your phone and I'll put my number in"

He passed me his phone and added me to his contact list and then put I my number

"There we go" I handed him back his phone "now text later so I have your phone number"

"Okay I will... umm do you want me to walk you back to yours?"

"James my flat is right there" I pointed to my flat


"But you can if you want"

"Why not" he shrugged

We both got up and headed to my flat. It only took us a few minutes to get back to my flat from our slow walking

"Sophie I had fun today I'm glad I bumped into you"

"Yeah and spilt my mocha down me" we both laughed

"Remind me that I owe you a mocha"

"You don't have to"

He smiled and then silence took over

"I better go the girls are probably wondering where I am, see you soon?"

"Yeah same with the boys, see you soon"

he gave me a hug I hugged him Back, he gave the best hugs its like hugging a masive cuddly bear... what the hell is happening to me? I waved as he left and I ran up the flat stairs to my apartment

"There you are!" Mia said running over to me "where have you been?"

"The beach"

"Oh so it was you who I saw with that boy when I looked out the window" she was smirking "I was gonna shout something out the window but I was scared it wasn't you"

We both laughed

"why were you stalking me anyway?" I shouted as I walked to my room

"Sophie Green come back here right now" Jade said trying to stay serious, I started to walk back to them "Tell us all about him"

We all went to sit on the sofa and then I told them about James

"So are you two dating?" Mia asked whilst smiling


"Are you stupid" Jade said with her head in her hands


"Why didn't you ask him out?"

"I only just met the guy!its not that easy"

"So you admit you have feelings for him?"

"Maybe? I don't know!"Jade and Mia looked at each other "what?!"

"I think you do know"


Hey guys this is my first fanfic so im sorry if its not that good

She Was The One {James McVey||The Vamps}Where stories live. Discover now