
15 3 1

   "Lance!" I open my eyes as my professor throws a text book down. It makes a loud bang. I hear a few snickers from the back of the hall. I roll my eyes and groan.
   The bell rings. "Don't forget! Final exams are tomorrow, so don't forget to study!" The professor's voice booms over the bell as students are heading to their next class. I reach my locker, and open it. Hunk walks over and hands me a paper bag with gifts in it. "You know, there's going to be more." Hunk says. I roll my eyes and take the bag. I trash it. "You look stoned, were you in Professor Holt's class?" I nod, and shut my locker. "Lance, you okay? You're usually really talkitive." Ws start down the hall to Professor Takashi's class. I smile and reply, "Just thinking...." Hunk nudges me. "You like someone?" I don't want him to know why I'm being depressed, so I make up and answer. "Yeah, sure." I put my finger to Hunk's open mouth. "No. I won't tell you." Hunk closes his mouth, then opens it again.

We sit in our seats. "Please?"
"Really?" Hunk's eyebrow raises.
"Who then?"
I look at the table in front of me, and the first thing I see is the un-popular mullet. "Keith. Keith Kogain."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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