Chapter Two

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After what almost felt like hours, my mom finally came.

"What took you so long?" I hopped into the vehicle, "Sorry your brother needed a ride to the airport." She says. "He left to collage already? "I asked "I wanted to see him before he went mom."I sighed

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to do 5 things at once baby, first your father forgot his lunch and second your brother needed a ride, third your baby sister literally took a crap everywhere and I had to clean it up quickly before anyone else came over, it's hard being a parent June, I can't always rush." She says, I nodded "yeah I know..I'm sorry."I said, she smiled "it's okay, now where to?"


"You don't want pizza?" She asked "I think I can last an hour without pizza" I joked,my mom giggled"whatever you say."

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We made it home and of course Kels had to be home.

"Isn't she suppose to be at school?" My mom raised an eyebrow as she stared at me " I dunno, that's what I thought too." I said.

When we got inside, I flopped onto the couch and grabbed a comic book from the coffee table. "I'll order pizza, go wash the dishes for me please?" my mom asked.

"Sure."I got off the couch and walked to the kitchen, 
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The phone started to ring, and my hands were wet so I couldn't grab it.

"Can someone get the phone??" I called out, no response. I groaned.

I walked to the phone and dried up my hands. "Hello?" I spoke

"Hi is your mom or dad there?" A woman's voice asked "uhh yeah one second."

"Mom phone!" I yelled. "Coming, ask who's that for me." My mom shouted from the washroom.

"May I ask who's speaking?"

"Irene Walsh"

"It's Irene Walsh!!" I covered the mic.

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"You want me to what?"

"babysit Irene's kid for like at least an hour or two, me and her are gonna do some shopping." My mom says, "who's the kid anyway?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest "Michael Walsh"

My eyes widen, "I know that kid, we bumped into each other in the hallway, I accidentally made him drop his inhaler....." I paused "wow, that sounded a lot less weird in my head"

My mom laughed. "Just for an hour okay dear?"

"Okay, whatever. But you're buying me pizza when you come back ma" I sighed, "of course my baby." She kissed my forehead, I smiled.

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