The World Of Swords

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This your outfit for when you go to the game and no you won't wear the skirt (sorry if you guys like skirts but that's not your character

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This your outfit for when you go to the game and no you won't wear the skirt (sorry if you guys like skirts but that's not your character.)

3rd Person POV

In 2022, mankind finally built a full virtual environment...but who would've thought that it will kill a lot of people....

"All right, we're under way! It's time for this week's MMO stream.", a announcer's voice yelled with excitement. "First, we had you watch a promotional video..." She trailed and a lot people were in line in front of a store.

"Are we looking at the day of last week's launch? What could all these people waiting in line for? Sword Art Online!" The announcer screamed with enthusiasm.

A computer had the live stream on and a girl with (H/c) was listening to it. She was also reading a magazine about the game and its creator. The girl flipped a page and still listen to the announcer blabbing about the new game. She flipped through the page again and got a paper cut and had a little blood. She looks at it like it was no big deal.

"(Y/n)..." Her mother called. "I'm off to work! I won't be home until midnight. Watch the twins while I'm gone." She yelled and left the house.

(Y/n) watched as her mother's car left their drive way. (I think your house will be a 2 story house) Once the announcer said something about beta testers getting a copy, (Y/n) flinched a little. She turned away from her computer and looked at her clock.
12:56:00 pm
(Y/n) turned off the computer and opened her door. "Hey brats! I'll be online till 5:30! If you guys need something there's leftovers in the fridge!" She yelled. (If you wouldn't call your siblings brats I'm sorry😔)

"Okay!" The twins replied. She closed the door, grabbed her NerveGear, plugged it in and put in the game...Sword Art Online. She lied down on her bed as the game was loading. The clock was ticking as it was 12:59, (Y/n) smirked as the clock hit 13:00 (1:00pm). She closes her eyes and yells out, "Link Start!"

At that moment particles with different colors was everywhere. She put all her personal information (birthday, name, email address, etc.) Then once the "Sword Art Online" icon came up, a blue flash of light appeared and transported (Y/n) to a different world.

She blinked a couple of times and move her virtual hands where she can see them. Now (Y/n)'s appearance changed. Instead of having (H/c) hair and (E/c) eyes, she had magenta hair and purple eyes. Her hair was tied into a ponytail. (How you look is the picture above and your outfit is underneath it.) She made a fist and made her fingerless gloves tighter. (Y/n) smirked and said, "Hello world...I'm back!".

As she said those words more and more people transported behind her as they entered the game.

(Time Skip)

Many people were either shopping, looking for supplies or chatting with each other in the Town of Beginnings. (Some even flirting..the boy and girl *cough* actually a guy *cough*)

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