The Serpent's dark eyes glided over her legs, scanning the lace pattern on the black tights she wore, the denim skirt that smoothly covered her curves. His teeth dug into his lip, pulling slightly on the skin as his mind started to run wild with imagines of those endless legs wrapped around his waist, his hand feeling her silken skin, fingers running through those long strands and her pretty, plumb lips upon his own. "Pea?". The abbreviation of his name she was using more often lately, rung through his ears and blinked a couple times before looking up at Kate. "It's your turn". She smiled sweetly and oh he swore she was becoming his weakness.

"Right". Sweet Pea coughed and took the pool stick from her hands, stepping forward to take his turn. Kate was slowly feeling a bit bored at the table. The game was pretty much the same and she couldn't really understand why the guys loved it so much. "I think I'm going to head over to Toni". Kate looked up at Sweet Pea and he placed his hand over his heart. "Are you leaving the game now? Are you leaving the team?". She laughed at his overdramatic tone and nodded. "You can beat them on your own". She smiled over her shoulder and walked up to Toni, who was at the bar. Toni pulled a stool for her aside when she saw Kate nearing.

"His eyes were all on you the whole game". The Serpent girl spoke. "Bet he banged you in twenty-four different ways in his mind already". Kate gasped and swatted her arm. "Toni!". She shook her head, feeling the tomatoes on her cheeks heat up again. "Need a refill?". Toni ignored her previous call and nodded towards Kate's empty glass. She just shoved her glass Toni's way and was about to speak up again when the door open, a cold flow of air moving through the pub. Jughead Jones was the one to step inside and it seemed as if all eyes were on him. Even Sweet Pea managed to look up from the pool table.

People gave Jughead dirty looks as he was wearing the Serpent jacket, making Kate slightly raise her eyebrows and shot a questioning look at Toni. Sweet Pea looked down at the table again, letting the ball roll over it. "Is this Northsider lost?". He asked, a sarcastic tone to his voice that still cut through the air like a knife. "No, I'm not". Jughead stopped in front of the table to look at the taller Serpent. "I'm over being half a Serpent". He added. "Wow, you'll do anything to protect your Northside buddies". Sweet Pea replied, moving around the table and bumping into Jughead with his shoulder.

Fangs came to join Toni and Kate, looking between the two before letting his eyes wander over the scene in front of them. "My father was a Serpent, he led you. I'm with you guys". Nobody said anything, some Serpents already started on their drinks and continued their conversations with one another. "Tallboy was the one who gave me this jacket". Jughead's voice had a bit more volume now, drawing the attention back to him. Sweet Pea's jaw clenched as he fiddled with the top of the pool stick and Kate swore the thing would break under the crushing power of his wrist. She subtly slid of her stool, taking her place beside him to prevent him from starting a fight he might jump into if Jughead made things worse.

Sweet Pea was surprised to feel her hand sliding over his arm, looking down into her sky blue eyes that radiated a certain calmth. Jughead was startled by what he saw, clearly lost in the words he wanted to say. "It's finally time I start wearing it". He pulled on the lapels of his leather jacket. Tall Boy looked at the teen for a couple seconds and slowly made his way towards him. "So, now you want to be a Serpent?". It was a question, however it sounded more like a statement. "Let's see if you survive the initiation first". With that, Tall Boy turned around, ready to continue the game as if Jughead never set a foot into the Wyrm.

"You have to be kidding me". Sweet Pea shook his head and threw the stick in the corner where it stood at first. "I'm going out for a smoke". He muttered under his breath and Kate let go of him, assuming he'd want to be alone for a moment, yet her heart skipped a beat as his fingers laced through hers and pulled her after him through the people in the pub. "Take your jacket, it's cold outside". He mumbled and she just hummed in response, taking her jacket from the coat rack. He didn't wait for her as he now knew she was following him anyway. Kate pushed her arms through the sleeves of her long, black coat, glad she brought the one that was meant to be worn in winter.

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