Sakura In The Past

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Hello, I am Wolfqueen01. I have adapted this from SasuLovesSaku4Ever on and would like to dedicate it to them. For people who have read her version, do not be worried about this being shorter than hers. I have divided the chapters up into smaller chapters so that not so much information is loaded into the chapter.

Chapter One: A Life lost and regained

(Sakura's P.O.V)

I cursed in my mind sensing that Madara's army was getting closer and Sasuke was also nearby. It would take them less than two hours to enter the village. I teleported back to the Leaf Village’s Anbu HQ and called a meeting for all Anbu. All the Anbu gathered on the roof, where I had called them.

"All of you listen. Madara's army has broken through and it will soon be time when they destroy our village. We will not be strong enough to hold them off. So we will destroy them with one whole attack. All Anbu are to evacuate the village of all civilians quickly and then leave as well. We cannot allow them to take Naruto, who is still unconscious. My team is to specifically bring Uzumaki Naruto out of the village and keep him safe," I said.

My team consisted of Neji, Tenten, and Shino.

"Dragon-taichou, what are you planning to do," Neji asked behind his mask.

I looked at him from behind my mask. I release a small sigh just thinking of the necessary events that must take place in order for these terrible events to come to an end.

"It's time we ended this. No one is to alert the elders of any movement. If they are outside, then knock them out and place them in their homes. They are the main targets of Uchiha Sasuke's revenge. I will be staying, to end it once and for all," I said in a serious tone.

"Taichou, Naruto will not agree to it." Tenten said.

"I would give one life to save thousands even if it was my life I was giving. At the rate of this war, no one will survive. We need to end it. He will not agree to it, but unfortunately, you can't always have what you want in life. Now, these are my final orders. Hawk, I am officially giving my position as Head Captain to you. Lead the Anbu Squads with pride, and protect the village as a true ninja. Do justice for us all,” I told them as I hand Neji my sword.

“I will do my best for you Dragon-taichou,” Neji vowed to me with a bow of his head.

“Hurry, everyone has to be out of the village in an hour. Dog, Eagle my final orders for the both of you is to make sure that Tsunade-sama gets out," I said looking at Kiba and Hinata.

Hinata and Kiba bowed and left the area as quickly as they could. I looked at the other squads and signaled for them to leave and do as I have ordered. I know they will follow this order even if all of their minds are telling them not abandon their leader. The Anbu squads left as soon as my hand signaled for them to be gone and I sighed. This was it; the end was finally almost here. I went to the Hokage's office and Tsunade was being pulled out by Kiba and Hinata. Tsunade was doing everything in her power to get away from them even if it meant hurting her own people who were only following my orders.

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