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Who should join us

Avid readers who have read many books (Wattpad and Non-wp)

Why join us?

We cover not only wattpad but also Facebook. Your reviews will not only be posted here but also on our Facebook page (with your consent and permission ofcourse!)

How many memebers?

We will recruit 10 members initially untill we can master the art of running it in an organized and systematic way!

How long does your membership last?

It will last for 4 months after that If you are still active, we will renew your memebership, otherwise you will automatically be removed.

If you still want to Join!

Fill out the form in the next chapter and we'll get back to you!

How it works?

We will have a separate book "Carte Reviews" where people will request reviews, you can pick up a book of your choice and submit the review to us which gets published in "Carte Reviews" on wattpad and our page on Facebook. You will be tagged ofcourse on Facebook too.

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