Chapter 3: Karizan

Start from the beginning

Murose and Lothar make it to the top to see Medivh, scalping a Gollum, which was in front of a pool of magic, and Murose walks over to him. "Did you summon him Murose?" Medivh asks him and Lothar leans against the worktable, "No... he did... not." he answers while panting. Then Murose moves away as Anduin pulls off the table. "So... you've become a scalper?" he asks him while poking at the clay. "I am making a Gollum, usually takes years for the magic to seep into the clay, but up here it's... it's just faster," he informs him, turning to him. "Makes for something to keeps Murose company, no clean up around the house," Medivh tells him as he climbs down the ladder and Murose handed Lothar a glass of wine. "Thank you," he said to him and drank it all.

Then Medivh steps over to him, "It is good to see you Lothar." he said to him as Lothar fiddles with the ring in his hand, "We need your council Medivh. Our king summons you." he tells him, handing him the ring. Medivh looks at the crest and back at Lothar, "Whose the boy downstairs?"


Khadgar reads the book, trying to find something to help with the situation, but then felt a strong energy not far from him, he looks away from the book and saw a shadow figure stand next to the shelf from the far end. "Hello?" he calls out, the figure did not answer.

"Guardian?" he calls out again, still not answer. He closes the book, placing it back on the shelf then slowly walks over to it, the figure walks on the shelf and was gone. Khadgar walks quickly over to the shelf to find where the figure went off to. He looks for a trigger, but the saw that his mark was glowing, he pulls his sleeve up, then started to move his arm along the book, seeing which one that it glowed the brightest. He then finds the book and looks at it, but then heard a sound and he quickly moves the book into his satchel.

Then walks back to the spiral stairs, seeing if Lothar was back with the Guardian. And there stood Medivh in his path wearing his robes, "Have a good look around?" he asks and his eyes glowed blue and he slams Khadgar against the shelves, making it skit back a few feet. "Getting some ideas on what to do with the place once it's your?" he questions as Lothar walks down the steps. "Guardian, I renounce my vows." Khadgar reminds him and Medivh then throws him at the spiral staircase as Lothar stands behind Medivh. "I didn't want to come here, I swear guardian. I urge them to find you, I told them! You should be the one to explain!" he informs him.

"Explain what?" he asks him, "Fel!" he answers him, then Medivh lets him go and Khadgar hits the floor and leans against the wall, Lothar tries his best not to laugh, "In Azeroth?" Medivh asks him, stepping closer, "In the barracks, one of the bodies." Khadgar explains to him. "Guardian, what is the Fel?" Lothar asks him as the look on Medivh's face was grave. "A magic that is unlike any other... it feeds on life itself, it pollutes the user twisting everything it touches. It promises great power, but it exacts a terrible price." he answers him, feeling the color in his skin drain.

"There is no place for the Fell in Azeroth. You've done the right thing." he tells Khadgar and turns to Lothar, "We'll go." he tells him and he walks off. Lothar then offers his hand to Khadgar to help him to his feet, Khadgar reaches for his hand, but Lothar pulls his hand away and follows Medivh, Khadgar groans as he pulls himself to his feet.


They were all outside and Lothar pets his griffin, the chips at him and bumps him with his beck, "Hey!" Lothar said, grabbing the end, "Go home you." he orders, the Griffin did so as Medivh then started up a transportation spell, Anduin steps next to him, "Step in." he orders Khadgar and the young mage did so.

And in the bright light, they were gone from Karizan and appeared into Stromguard's throne room. The guards were alerted and pointed spears at them as Llane stood up and smiles at him. "Medivh." he said, walking down the steps, "Your Grace." Medivh said as he placing his hand on his chest with a bow of his head, the guards move their spears away, "It has been too long." Llane said, "Likewise." Medivh agrees, handing his staff Khadgar, who catches it and Medivh hugs his friend the king. And they pulled away, "Come. Help us get the rest of this travels about." he tells him and they walk to the war room.

"What kind of beast?" Medivh asks him, "They're saying, giants. Armor giants, wolves to carry them, huge, unstoppable monsters." Llane answers him, "What of the other kingdoms, are they suffering the same?" Medivh asks him. "Forge seeks our protection, but none trust us enough to tell us anything," Llane answers him. "We know nothing about these so-called monsters, we need prisoners, even a corpse will tell us something," Lothar suggests. Llane sighs, "I don't know what danger we're in, Medivh." he tells him, "I exist to protect this realm, my lord. It is my very purpose." he tells him, as he looks at the map on the table.

And then looks at him, "I am the guardian. Or at least for the time being, anyhow." he said and the three look over at Khadgar as he was looking at the weaponry. "Yes, what are we going to do about..." Llane states and turns back to him, "What is his name?" he asks him. Then Khadgar turns to them, "Khadgar, sire." he answers and turns back when he hits a shield. "He'll be coming with us," Medivh said and Lothar frowns at him. "Well then, we better get going."

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