chapter eight

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"Next customer please" Niall says without looking up. Once he does he is met with a familiar face.

"Oh Ashton hey!"

"Hey, I didn't know you worked here."

"Yeah, I've worked here for a couple of years now. What can I get started for you?"

After Ashton orders and pays Niall looks to Zayn and sees him staring at Ashton. Well that's strange, maybe they know each other?

Niall is due for a break so he excuses himself once the store dies down a bit and go over to sit next to Ashton who has found himself a nice sunny spot in the corner.

"Hey, how is it going?"

"Good, this place is super cute by the way, and that pastry is to die for."

"Thanks- made them myself this morning" Niall smiles at him.

"Wow no way! Have long have you been baking for?"

"For as long as I can remember honestly, my mother bakes all the time and I guess I sort of grew up with that, starting helping out at a young age, and found myself to really enjoy it. Debbie was kind enough to give me this job when I was still in college and I've been working here since."

"That is so cool, I love seeing people being able to do their passion"

"Thanks! I could say the same for you." Niall looks up and notices Zayn looking over at that, who then quickly looks away. Through the duration of their conversation this happens two more times and Niall is beginning to think this isn't a coincidence anymore.

"Well I was going to head down to the shop tomorrow for those lessons I was promised, so I will be sure to see you tomorrow. I better get back to work."

"Awesome, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow" Ashton says winking at Niall.

Niall isn't exactly sure what that wink was supposed to mean and Ashton does make Niall feel warm inside but Niall just isn't sure about where this friendship was going. Deciding not to worry too much by thinking into it, Niall was just happy to have made a new friend.

The rest of the day is pretty quiet to balance out how busy breakfast and lunch was. Zayn and Niall continue talking, finding out more about each other. Niall finds out Zayn is currently in his third year of university, studying psychology and needed this job to pay some bills.

There is lull in their conversation before Zayn brings up Ashton.

"So, that guy that was here earlier, do you know him?"

"Oh, that was Ashton, we met a couples of weeks earlier, he runs a music shop down the street and I guess we became friends through that. Why, do you know him too?"

"Oh no, I was just wondering..." Niall had a sneaking suspicion there was a reason behind that question but decide not to pry, if Zayn wanted to talk about it he would.

A cool draft enters the store as the door is opened and Liam with Louis alongside enter the store.

"Oh Debbie! Where is my beautiful Debbie!?" Louis is already yelling

"Lou!" Debbie shouts as she comes from the kitchen, and heads straight to hug him and Liam. Debbie loved Niall's friends and they loved her, she was truly such a mother figure they needed in their lives and gave the best advice while service the best tea and cookies known to man.

There's laughter and crude remarks from Louis that send Debbie hollering. Zayn eventually introduces himself and hits it off immediately with the rest of the guys.

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