"Yes my child there is you are a vampire and an angel which has never happened before but I'm not saying that I hate it but it doesn't sit well with me and that boy Alexander I know him Skyler and I love you so I say this for your own good please stay away from him he his bad news.

A part if me knew that he was saying the truth but the other part knew he was lying there was a good side of Alexander.

"Son you are the next Jesus but you can't be a vampire or know Alexander to be one are you ready to give it up or will you still be with him"

It was a big deal do I say yes or no I mean Alexander was sweeter than Ty but that doesn't change the fact that he turned me into a vampire.

"I need more time it's not a easy choice which way I go can't I get more time"

"I understand all you have to do is say my name 3 times and say what your choice is and it will happen I can't answer anymore"

He gave me a hug and then I woke.

I woke up in the arms of no other that Alexander cry yelling at me to wake up.

Alexander's POV

I watch Sky sleep in my arms his breathing his face was beautiful I wanted to kiss him.

1:00 pm

It was one a clock I tried to wake up Sky like crazy it was like he was in a coma.

"Kat what's going on do you have a spell for this"

"Yea I do let me see if it can get me anywhere"

I was pacing back an forth I already broke a wall so who cares what happens I need him I can't live with out him as corny as it sounds.

I heard her chant in Latin a spell that should have token minutes took seconds she was getting better with my blood in her body.

She looked up fear in her eyes.

"What is it don't you dare hold back" I was already fuming and if she even dare held back.

"God made a deal with him if he would be the next Jesus or be with you"

What the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ran over to his body grabbed his shoulders and blood was in my eyes I was desperately hoping for him to say no.

Then his eyes were open and I hugged him like crazy.


Sky's POV

He hugged me his I could smell the blood that he cried.

"Thank god you said no don't do that I swear Sky you give me a heart attack"

I pushed him off rage was in my body who the hell was he to actually tell me that I said no.

"I didn't say no"

He looked at me.

"Then how are you here"

"I said I needed time to think about it it's not that easy you know having to choose"

I walked up to hug Kat she huged me back.

"I still need answers Alexander"

He looked up at me shock that I knew his real name.

"How do you know my name" he asked in shock.

"Its simple god said you name and if you put 2 and 2 well it makes sense"

"True ask me anything Sky I'll answer anything"

"How old are you"

"I was born when time began so I'm pretty old"

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