Northwoods Is Freed

Start from the beginning

The boys all stare at me, and I feel blood start to enter my cheeks. "I know stuff, alright? Now, what is it that you called me out of my reverie for?" This seems to snap the guys back into action, as Jay gestures to me to come and see the video screen.

I stand beside Billy, who's likewise looking at the monitor. "This," Jay says while tapping on some keys in front of him,"is a shot of the storage area while you were doing your voodoo thing over there." I was about to retort that what I did wasn't voodoo, but the words die in my throat as Jay plays the video. In the center of it, right outside the archery room, where a pathway is made by piled-up desks, a small ball of light hovers. The ball glows more brightly after a few seconds, then zooms into a figure eight and abruptly disappears. Jay watches my face the entire time, then hands me his audio headset. I put it on wordlessly, and Jay rewinds the video.

A girl's voice comes through the headset as the ball on the screen glows. Her words astound me, and another, harsher voice cuts in right before the ball disappears. I take off and hand the headset back to Jay, my eyes riveted on the screen. Zak watches me, arms folded. Aaron is gone; Zak probably sent him on a solo mission or something.

I take a deep breath, and look over into Jay's brown eyes. "The girl said,'Thank you, Spirit Wisher'. The harsh voice said,'Get out'. I think the girl is Lily. I don't know the harsh one, though. It can't be her boyfriend; he's rotting away in jail last time I checked. It isn't Mr. McKay, since he was always gentle." I pause, thinking. Billy says from beside me,"What about a soldier?" Zak and I turn to him, and Billy looks perplexed. "I read somewhere that there was a battle fought near here."

Images, voices, words flash through my brain, and I smile. "Yeah. Back during the time of the Civil War. On June 28th, Franz Sigel passed through this area to attack the separated commands of Sterling Price and Claiborne Fox Jackson. I did a history report about it sophmore year. And, I think I actually saw a soldier spirit one time, though it was all the way back in sixth grade." Jay smiles slightly and says,"You make it sound like sixth grade was forever ago." I smile back and say,"Well, sixteen years does feel like forever. It must definitely feel like forever to you guys." Zak laughs, and says,"Are you implying that we're old?" I shrug, a playful smile on my lips. Everyone laughs, but the mood abruptly fades as Aaron comes crashing in through the door.

The fear on his face is absolute. He stutters,"Shadow. I-in the gym. And, as I-I was passing by the stor-storage, I saw the figure of a gir-girl. She stared at me, then smiled and dissolved into red dust. Her eyes, guys. They were red, like a wolf's." I shake my head, and walk out the door before Zak or anyone else can say anything.

My camera is still on my hand, so I use it to see as I run down the long hallway to the storage area. I open the door, and walk in, my camera raised to hide my eyesight, so all I see is what my camera sees. I grab the EVP recorder out of my pocket, and place it on a desk. I step back, and say,"Whoever just appeared in front of Aaron, appear in front of me. I know that there's an evil entity in this building. Come out and talk; others of your kind have. Show yourself to me."

Nothing shows, even when I lower my camera and peer around with my own eyes. Impatience snaps through me, and I growl,"What? Too afraid to talk to me? To appear in all your demonic glory? One of your brethren tried to kill one of the crew members, and two others tried to kill me. I know demons aren't shy, so you might as well come out now before I find you myself."

I feel an energy swirl around me, and feel my annoyance spike, turning into anger. I snap,"If you're powerful enough to alter my emotions, then you must be powerful enough to manifest. Show yourself! Or are you too scared of my power to do so?" Hisses sound in the air, and I feel fire burn down my neck. I don't move, though, and say,"Is that all you got? Come on! Do something! Show us the full extent of your power. Manifest, and show yourself to that camera! Or are you too weak do such a simple thing?"

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