Chapter 1

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I've lived in District 5 all of my 15 years of existence. People think living in the 'district of power' would be difficult.

I wish I could say they were wrong.

My name's Marina Rauge, and today is the day everyone from ages 12-18 dread in the country of Panem.

The reaping.

I walk to my bed and see a beige dress with a jean jacket laying next to it. There were some flats lying on the ground next to my bed. On my dress was a note.

"Got you new clothes sweetie. I love you and will see you in a bit.

-xo mum"

I slipped on the dress and put on my jacket. I sat down at my desk and put my brown hair into a messy bun.

(I would do something more formal, but who do I have to impress? The Capitol? They don't care. If they did they wouldn't have these stupid games.)

I looked at myself in my mirror in the kitchen.

This could be the last time I look at myself in my home.

I shook out the thought, not wanting to be negative about it.

There are a lot of kids in District 5, right? My name is only in there 15 times, compared to the amount of people there are...

"Sweetie!" I heard my mom say from

behind me. I turned and looked at her and smiled. "You look beautiful today." She said. "Thanks," I said. She walked to me and put her hands on my shoulders. "You will not get picked. Say it," she said to me. I sighed.

"I will not be picked." I said. She smiled at me.

"I know."

I had my breakfast which consisted of a slice of toast with butter spread on it and a glass of water. I slipped on my flats and started to head out the door, until a hand stopped me. My mom turned me around and hugged me.

"I love you so much. I'll see you later, okay?" She said.

"Yep..." I said. My hands shook a bit as I turned and continued to walk to the square. I lived in the more rich part of District 5, so it wasn't a very long walk for me.

When I got there, my eyes widened to the amount of kids there. I felt a tiny bit of hope that I wouldn't get picked. Or ever get picked.

I stood in line behind a girl who looked to be about 12. I heard her whimper a bit in fear, and it reminded me of myself when I was her age.

The line took a bit, but I finally went to the front.

"Finger, please." The lady sitting at the table said. I moved my hand closer to her, and she took her taser-sort-thing and zapped my finger. It stung a bit as she took my finger and smudged my blood next to my name.

I moved and took my spot next to the other 15 year old girls.

I anxiously waited for our speaker, Xavier Pruid, to come up to the stage and announce the names. My hands began to shake again. I shoved them into the pockets of my jean jacket and waited.

What felt like hours later, he finally showed up on the stage.

"Welcome, boys and girls of District 5!" He exclaimed, a bit too happily.

"Today, we will be reaping the, lucky, boy and girl to be participating in the 72nd annual Hunger Games."

I took a deep breath, trying not to freak out.

"But first, a video from the Capitol itself!" he said, and turned to a big television screen.

The video that played every year played once again, and like usual, I didn't pay attention.

After the video finished, he turned to the microphone once again.

"Now we will start the reaping," He said.

"Ladies first, as usual." he said. I silently freaked out as he walked towards the bowl with all of the girls names.

Slowly, his hands entered the bowl, and he moved his hand in the bowl. Then, the unlucky slip of paper was pulled out.

I crossed my fingers in my jacket.

He unfolded the card.

"Marina Rauge."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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