Family Problems

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Peter is a 14 year old kid who is also spiderman. He got his powers when he was 12 and a half. Before that when he was 3 his parents were taken away from him and then when he was about 12 and a half after he got his powers his Uncle Ben died then his former Girlfriend, Mary-Jane, died. He blames himself for his loved ones deaths and he doesn't know if he can live with himself if his last family member Aunt May were to die.

Peter was finishing up being spider-man when suddenly he sees a red, yellow, and orange light near his, and his Aunts apartment. He web's up the mugger and heads over there. He sees police everywhere and fire trucks trying to put out the fire. His eyes were starting to water under his mask as he pushed passed the officers heading into the building. He goes to the apartment door and opens it. Still astonished that it's intact. Then his eyes and mouth become wide as he sees his one and only Aunt May on the ground with her scull mashed spilling blood on her from the piece of sealing wood that fell on her. "NOOOOOOO!", peter screams out as he rushes over to the corps of Aunt May. He doesn't know what to do. His breathing quickens and his eyes are watery. He turns to the side and starts puking at the sight of his lovely, but gross looking Aunt's scull crushed with blood. He wipes his mouth with his sleeve noticing that the fire has surrounded him. The only way out is through the window next to him. Should he just stay here and die? Be with his Parents, Ben, May, and Mary-Jane? Should he just end it? End his suffering? He repeats these questions over and over in his head. Panic racing through him as his heart beats faster and faster. Not knowing what to do. But then he remembers that his Aunt would want him to live a happy and normal life. So he does what any normal human would do. He takes her bruised, crushed, and broken body. And jumps out the window and landing on the ground not caring about the pain in his legs from the far jump. He runs to the police and hands her to them. As he lets go of her hand he shoots a web to a tall building and start swinging away, tears pouring down his face with his mask on. He swings to a building far away from his apartment not caring about his bruised body and his probably broken leg. He takes off his mask over looking the city and starts to cry his eyes out mumbling to himself. "I killed her".

________________Authors Note__________________________________

Thanks for reading the first chapter of this Superfamily Fanfic

It was pretty short but my other chapters will be longer 

I will update everyday! I might do two chapters a day but I don't know yet. It depends on the day.

Thank you and please leave comments suggesting what to do with this story!

Also, sorry it I miss-spelled anything or made any mistakes.


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