Untitled Part 1

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                                                                 A REASON TO LIVE

Marie was a 20-year-old apparently happy, sometimes very reserved but what nobody knew was the dreams and perception of life that she had. She lived with her parents Martha and Augusto and her two sisters Antoniette and Elizabeth in the cold Alaska, she studied dentistry at the university and had a two-year relationship with Marco, she met him at the university. Apparently, she had a perfect life, but ,inside of her she had always felt different, she did not really find a reason for her life, she always had dreams very different from those of children at her age, she asked herself questions inside her that looked like didn't had answer and, struggled every day with finding a reason to live, reason that she knew that existed but that she did not know where or how to find. Marie looked around and although she seemed to have the life that any young would dream,but she felt lost and aimless. Unlike the girls of her age she loved to read and know about politics, religion, philosophy, inside she carried many questions. God really exists, what is the reason that I exist?the life only consit in what I have? These questions stunned her and she struggled alone with this inner voice, she only expressed what was inside her with her mom, with nobody else. She eventually felt an internal recollection of doing something different in the world but she did not know how to do it.

Marie did not like religions, she did not like going to a church at all, she believed in God but she saw it as something very distant, she did not trust almost anyone, in this way she always felt. As a little girl, she dreamed of being an actress and was sure that would achieve it and would be very famous, when reached adolescence her dream was to travel over all the world but his father wanted it to be a dentist and when she graduated she would open dentist's offices in all the country. Until one day alone in her room Marie before sleeping she stopped ignoring this voice and thought a lot about her life and what she really wanted, she stopped ignoring the fact that she did not have much in common with other people, that she always felt Like a fish out of water, with the only person who had many things in common was with his mother, with whom in private conversations she told her that she had these same thoughts and questions but that when she met her father and fell in love with him she ignore what she felt, but that even today she felt like her daughter

Marie also thought that she liked her boyfriend ,but she did not have anything in common with him, their relationship was a simple monotony, when they were together they only spoke vain things that did not interest her, that she only had two friends,she did not like talk and be with Nobody else, she wondered What things I would do if I am not afraid? she thought that she has to start doing everything that she was afraid to do, after that though that didn¨t has nothing to lose because always thought that she did not had nothing even when looked like she had everything. The next day she dated her boyfriend to talk, decided to end her relationship with him, he was surprised and sad,his family wanted them to get marry, she explained that he was wonderful but they were not made for each other, at the end even sad he understood

She always rehused to even see an evangelical church from afar, decided that same week to visit one and saw that it was nothing of what she thought, they received her with a lot of love and never judged her dress and never forgot a phrase that the pastor said that day: "God is alive and is always close to you, He just wants you to let Him into your life", Marie after that day already felt different, as if something had changed inside her. She decided to do sunthig crazy, even she was in the middle of his university career, she started to sold a lot of her clothes online because she decided to go to Iceland, she would arrive to a childhood friend's place, everybody though that she was crazy, her father was angry and scandalized very much, however, his mother understood and supported her, just said: "We all dream because it is free to do ,but very few people figh to make their dreams come true, go daughter, go"It was not easy for Marie, inside she felt very afraid, almost no one supported her but she knew that she was doing the right thing because she felt that where she was she had a life that did not belong to her. When she sold everything, with that money she bought her ticket, When she arrived in Iceland, everything was strange and new for her, but her friend supported her a lot, in the second week of being there she had an idea: to buy clothes to sale in the garage and sell it online, the first day of sales was very successful, the people did not care buying second hand clothes, so two months passed, Marie was so good that she rented a place with Stella, her friend, there they sold clothes, soaps (made by themselves with the recipes of Marie's mother) Cosmetics, Jewelery. Everything was wonderful

One day she was walking in the area near the store, she saw a church and decided to enter, there was no religious service at that time, only the members were planning to visit an orphanage, even though she did not know anyone there she decided to participate with them. The planned day arrived, that day the card fell, touched deeply Marie's soul to know the reality of these children, to know how much they suffered being so small, many questions deepened in her head, when leaving there she could not stop thinking about that place and decided to go back there this time alone and she offered to go there every Tuesday and play with the children and read stories for them, two weeks later she was doing so well in her business that the possibility of opening another business, the people loved Marie's esthetic soaps. When four months had passed, Marie and Stella continued to thrive, and they visited together with Stella's boyfriend the orphanage every Tuesday, then contacted them from a very large company. In order for them to manufacture these famous soaps for them, they accepted the deal. A year later they prospered more and more, and Marie decided to open her own foundation with the support of the Christian church to take care of children in street situations and abandonment of parents. In a meeting with the foundation that was also responsible for this, there she met one of his representatives Louis, agreed a second meeting with him for the experience he had .The day of the meeting came, it was a Saturday afternoon, she was very nervous, they started talking about what it means to have a foundation, then he asked how being so young she wanted to open one since this represented a great responsibility. Then they talked about other topics, that's how they spent four hours, it seemed like they've been knowing for years. Louis was a handsome young man of 25 years, nice and what impressed Marie the most was that he loved to talk about philosophy, politics, religion, history and apparently as he had always had strong ideals and very different from others. After this meeting, they continued talking on the phone until he invited her to a date. Marie felt different, spent her time with her business, thinking how to help children and in ... Louis

Their first real date was in a restaurant with a beautiful garden, that night they talked about everything, their fears, insecurities, doubts, what they both wanted for their lives, the two surprisingly abandoned their university careers, he studied electrical engineering, both not they cared what others thought about them, they only wanted to do something relevant with their lives. After this day, Marie was never the same; she had found love for the first time, after a month, began a courtship with Louis. Finally Marie found the reason for her existence and it was not Louis, even though he gave more brilliance to that reason. She felt free, for the first time she did what she wanted, what she liked. After three years, Marie and Louis married, together they opened three foundations with support from the church, both thought that it was not only to give food and shelter to these children but also to give them spiritual help to help them face the hard struggles that would come with time. Marie and Louis had six children, three biologics and three adopted they had two companies, every six months they traveled to a new place, unknown to them. Marie's father called her very often, he felt proud of her and sorry for not having believed in her dreams at the beginning. The most important thing for Marie was to be able to help the sufferer, she always thought that she would not be able to help all the poor of the world but that she would make her best to make the maximum possible, finally at thirty-five years Marie did not have that internal collection, she had found her way, her suffering was for the one who suffered without hope, who was a victim of social precepts, for which lived so far away of God, for which felt alone and lost, the thought of helping others strengthen him every day, this was her passion, the reason for her life. She discovered that the important thing is not that we do things, but how we do them

This is s story,a young dreamer and confused girl, apparently common, who really wanted to take advantage of her existence, she showed that all of us can find our own ... REASON TO LIVE

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