Chapter 30: Recovery

Start from the beginning


“Get off me! AAARRRGGHHH!” Robb cried out, trying in vain to get Bandit to let his wrist go but Bandit refused to let go. That dog has been wanting to rip off a limb from Robb for a long time.


Oliver started untying my wrists and ankles while Bandit had Robb pacified when Camilla dashed across the room to escape. But I realized that’s where the gun had been flung off to. She was beaten to it by someone else, however.

I barely recognized her because of the rage that just radiates from her, but I’m glad Hanna pulled the trigger and I saw no remorse or hesitation in her eyes. Camilla dropped to the floor and I looked at Robb who eventually lost consciousness due to Bandit’s locked jaw around his wrist.

Good. I hope he suffered a lot of pain.


Hanna rushed towards the bar and then I realized why she did.

My brother was on the floor, blood pooling around him. I can’t take this. Too many bodies everywhere.


“Oliver! Call for help!” Hanna cried out, cradling Todd in her arms. He was unconscious and his skin was a sickly pale color. I can’t imagine looking much different than he does.

Oliver makes the call and within minutes, I hear sirens blaring around the bar. When I was being taken away, everything went black once again. 



She was in and out of it while we were in the ambulance. Her face had a large bruise, lip was busted, and it looked like she had broken ribs on top of it all.

The doctors said she’s probably suffered internal bleeding and they will do everything they can for her.


I wait outside the operating room, pacing for so long before the Ava and Todd’s parents arrived.They both looked petrified while the police talked to them about what happened.

Hanna and Bandit appeared in the hallway not long after and she looks like she hasn’t slept for days.


Both Ava and Todd are in surgery in critical condition. The injuries Ava sustained may have fatal effects on her while Todd has a bullet wound that the doctors don’t want to talk about just yet.

Robb and Camilla have been taken to custody and are going to stand trial for several charges. Kidnapping, assault, attempted murder, among other things.


“Oliver,” Ava’s father calls me.

If I wasn’t so worried, I would be afraid of what he’s going to say to me right now.

“The police tells me you went to that bar to save my daughter and that you wired that scumbag money to Robert.”

I could only nod in response, seeing as that would already be enough.


“Thank you. For saving both my children.” He shook my hand and he appeared to be sincere.

Ava’s mother was in tears but she didn’t seem to be as distraught as her husband is.

She seems distant and I could see why Ava’s not very close to her. She appears standoffish and snobby; not expressing that much worry for her children who are both in critical condition.

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