Heartless 1

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°Luna POV°

Here I am staring at the moon as if it was the most beautiful thing you can see in this f*cking world. I was always here in our secret place waiting for him to come back . I already miss him i remember the last time i saw his face. The face of him with an assuring smile......


"His sleeping.....hihi i got an idea.." Shh i started to look some pentel pen in my bag

"Hhmmm... Gotcha hihih" i started to draw some mustache and dots then connect it hhahahaha ohhhmy his face hahahaha......

He started to move omg i cant wait to see his priceless face hahaha.......

"Hey whats with that face" he said with a sleepy look

"Nothing it just that.......hahahah"

"You did something don't you?" I can't hold it his face.

"Hahahaahha" i can't help it while his with a confusing face

"Sorry..haha..just...haha kindly....haha...look at.....the mirror...hahaha" i said while laughing. He quickly took the mirror from his bag. Sometimes i wondered if he was really man because his loaded with alcohol, sanitizer, powder, perfume, comb and no other than a mirror seriously while me loaded with books. I stop laughing when he look at me with a smirk on his lips......

"Oh owww....i don't like that smirk in your face sorry na kase naman sarap mo pagtripan hihi" i said with a teasing smile

"Don't fool me with that tagalog of yours wait for me and I'm gonna show you how its really done..." he said with smirk.

Oh oww i forgot to tell you he can't understand tagalog so i speak tagalog to tease him.

"...so better run" he said then when i was about to start to run.....


"Luna! hide in the secret door! NOW!" he said

"But how about you!?" I dont want to leave him here

"I need to stay for me to know whats happening" he said with a smile

" No i don't want to leave you here what if......" I started to cry

"Trust me.... Just plss don't show up until you hear me call your name okay?" He said while looking at me straight in the eyes and i cant help but nod.

After what he said he started to walk so did I. I quickly reach the secret door then hide.

Hours past I waited for him to call my name.......until


End of the Flashback

Here we go again this f*cking tears escaping in my eyes. This memories keep playing in my mind and come to the point that I wish I just wake up not remembering the moment when he was......... I cant say it, I cant even think he really is. Tears continue flowing down to my cheeks then.........

Everything went black

An: Enjoying? Well if yes wait until i post the Heartless 2. If you don't then stop reading. Anata no yomu arigatou gozaimasu( thank you for reading) Vote this story and also comment for violent reactions, clarification and so on.

Moon Acre Academy: The Heartless PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now