Chapter 2

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When he got back to the house, Michael asked his mother if he could go say hello to Mrs. Mayweather's granddaughter after supper.

She said it was fine as long as he was home before the streetlights were on. The gangs liked to come out around that time and she didn't want him getting hurt.

That evening, Michael scarfed down his food like he was in a famine for ten years.

"Slow down boy! If you eat too fast, your food won't digest good." His mother nagged.

"Oh mother, he just wants to hurry up so he can go see his girlfriend," Jermaine teased.

Michael stopped eating long enough to shoot daggers at his older brother. "She's not my girlfriend. I'm just going to say hi."

Jermaine shot his brother the yeah right face once again and continued eating his dinner.

After dinner, Michael helped wash the dishes with his sisters and mother then headed for the door. "Bye mother, I'm going to Mrs. Mayweather's house!"

He took slow strides to Mrs. Mayweather's and was glad to see that Parker was sitting on the porch reading again. Once he reached the walkway, he realized her hair fell about her face again and it made her look even more beautiful close up.

When he reached the porch, she looked up from her book. Her face lit up when she realized it was the boy from the corner store.

She closed her book. "Hi...Michael, right?"

He nodded. "Right." His name on her tongue made him feel warm but he kept his composure so she didn't know he was melting on the inside.

"You can come sit with me if you want," she invited.

She was sitting on a floral porch swing. He sat down next to her, leaving enough room betwixt them that could fit a third person.

"So..." she said.

"So..." he said.

They sat there for what seemed like forever.

"Are you visiting for a while?" Michael asked.

She nodded. "Yeah, for my whole summer break actually."

Yes! That means I get to spend lots of time with her. "That's cool. Do you live around here?"

She shook her head. "No, I'm from Marietta, Georgia. Born and raised," she said with a wide, toothy smile. "You?"

"I'm from right here in Gary, Indiana."

"That's nice. Hmm... so what do you guys do for fun around here?"

"Well, we go to the park and skip rocks on the lake or go to the corner store and get candy. Since it's summer, the ice cream truck comes along and we usually go to the park and sit under the big oak tree and eat our ice cream there."

"That sounds really fun!"

Michael smiled. "I could show you around and we could hang out if you want."

Parker moved her hair behind her ears and smiled. "That sounds fantastic."

A few moments later, some footsteps were heard. "Parker, who are you talking to- oh hi Michael!"

Mrs. Mayweather opened the screen door just enough to stand just outside the door frame. She was wearing a blue dress with a plaid apron that covered her waist down.

"Hello Mrs. Mayweather. How are you?"

"I'm good sugar and you? How about your brothers and sisters, how are they doing?"

"They're good, thanks. I'm good too."

"That's good. Tell your mama I said hi. You all want some cookies and juice or something?"

Before Michael or Parker could say yes or no, Mrs. Mayweather was already leaving to get them some. Mrs. Mayweather's name really suited her. She was a big ball of sunshine. Even when her husband died, she just said it was God's will.

A few more moments later and Mrs. Mayweather was back with a plate of cookies and two cups of red flavored Kool Aid.

"Thank you, Mrs. Mayweather," said Michael.

"No problem sugar. You two have fun now."

She walked back in the house and shut the screen door.

Parker was the first to grab a cookie. They were homemade chocolate chip. Michael took a swig of Kool Aid and grabbed a cookie as well.

They sat there in silence but it wasn't a boring silence. It was a comfortable silence.

They sat there in the silence and ate cookies and drank until there was one cookie left. They just so happened to reach for it at the same time and their fingers grazed each other's.

Michael's eyes widened but she didn't see. He let his hand stay there and waited for what she'd do. But she didn't do anything. Her hand laid right there on the cookie underneath his fingers.

Had this been any other boy, she would have pulled away and let him have the cookie. But there was something about Michael that she just couldn't pin point out.

By now the chocolate chips began to melt because of their body heat but they didn't care. It was like their touch was magnetic. It felt...right.

Just then flickers of the street lights began to come on.

Although he didn't want to, Michael pulled away and licked his fingers of the chocolate.

"Hey Parker, I gotta go. My mother said I had to be home once the streetlights came on," Michael said as he got up

She pulled away too and licked her fingers as well. "Alright then. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Well, um...goodnight! It was nice meeting you. By the way, you have a soft hand..."

Parker giggled. "Thank you."

They said goodbye again and Michael walked home. Parker made sure Michael was at his house before she started to go into her house. Before they went in they waved each other.

Parker closed the screen door behind her then the regular door and locked it. She took the cookie off the plate and ate it then put the plate and cups in the sink. She washed them and headed to her room that her grandma had set up for her.

She changed into her night gown and got ready for bed. She glanced at the clock radio on the bedside table and it read 10:43 P.M.

Wow, she hadn't realized how late it was. She climbed into bed and turned off the light. Her dreams were invaded by Michael's handsome face....

Once Michael walked in through the door, his siblings attacked him with questions.

"Did you kiss her?" Jermaine teased.

"Did you touch her boob!" Marlon asked. Giggles erupted from the youngsters.

"What did her feet look like? If she's got gnarly feet, break it off now." Tito warned.

"Is she nice? She doesn't get around does she?" LaToya asked.

"Did she touch your peepee?" Marlon again. More giggles.

Oh brother...

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