Poetry Lecture

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A clock sits above the desk of the english teacher.

Taking its sweet time as it ticks away, softly


lost in its own song, taking its own, sweet time

and the lecture, the endless lecture, drones on

regardless of whether i'm listening or not.

"poetry, is and art" the teacher says

"and to paint, you must have the right tools,

simile, metaphor, imagery, hyperbole"

Of coarse i know this...

I am familiar with the silent song of poetry

For i am a conductor, waving my cursor about and conducting the words to make their sweet music

For I am a composer, and with my quill I write my soulful symphony

for I use simile as often as a bird uses her wings

I've used a million words of hyperbole,

and alluring alliteration is nothing new to me

Poetry is an art, Mrs. Anderson

and I've painted a few thousand pictures

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