"That doesn't explain there always one girl missing with each Blood Moon or even how some have said the beast is a giant wolf." I challenged him.

"The girls that have said it being a giant wolf I have no clue why they say that. Maybe those girls work with the hunters and they have the girls say that. As for the missing girls, maybe they just wanted to get away from their so called life and ran away." He counteracted.

How much I wanted to laugh and tell this itinerant person how his theories were so wrong. "Then what are you going to do when this so called hunters kill your dear sister?" I dared to ask him as he walked closer to me.

He took a step me, I notice how his eyes started to turn more of a black color now making me stride back only for my back to hit the board behind me. "I will hunt down anyone who dares lay a hand on my sister. She will not be harmed in any way during this Blood Moon Sacrifice and if I find out something has happened I will find them and kill them myself.

As he talked he took steps closer to me till his hand were on both sides of my head on the panel behind me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trouble you. I just wanted to hear your insight on the outcome is all." I whispered in a shaking voice.

He then leaned his head down closer to mine, "My dear, you might want to think about your questions before you ask them from now on. You never know what kind of trouble you can get yourself into," he whispered into my air sending a shiver through my body. "But since you feel so entitled to know my thoughts on this beast, I feel the need to ask about that ring you're wearing.

That's when I tore my eyes away from his and looked down at the ring Penelope had given me. The red ruby shined under the vague sunlight peeking through the gray cloud covering. "What about it?"

"Where did you get as a ring like that from?" He asked finally stepping back, but only to seize my other hand. He started to pull me back to where the arrows were laying on the ground. When he sat down on the ground next to them all I could think about was how he was ruining his clothing. "Come sit, I won't bite."

I stood there looking down at him, wondering if this man had some kind of mental problems. How had he gone from being angry one moment and now to this playful person before me? "The ring was a gift from my cousin on my fifth birthday, there's really not much to it."

"It reminds me of a story my mother told about a love curse form by a red ruby ring, but I had never seen a ring like it before now. Would you like to hear it?" All I could do was shake my head in responding, thinking that maybe I am able to get some answers about the beast and the blood moon, remembering how Penelope had said the ring was special the night she gave it to me. "Only if you sit down, will I tell you the fairytale." My curiosity got the better of me as I sat down next to him.

Centuries ago, there was a man of power and highly respected in the village, every girl dreamed about being with him. There was a peasant girl though that had stolen his heart and he wanted nothing else than to be with her, but with his position in the council he was unable to have her.

One night the man couldn't take keeping his secret to himself and went out to find his love. When he found her wandering through the forest to the pond near their village he ambush her. He told her how he felt about her and how he wanted to marry her. He didn't stop to think about how the girl felt about him when he told her all this till the girl through her arms around his neck and kissed him with the same passion he felt for her.

They ran away and were married in the next village over, but never told anyone. Since he didn't have a proper wedding ring he gave her a red ruby ring to symbolize his love for her.

Since no one was to know about the marriage, they met at the pond by her home in the forest every night and embrace under the silver moon. Life was simple for the young couple till the village people started talking about why the young man was unmarried like the rest of the men in the village. The girl thought that they finally come out and tell everyone that they were married, but the young man did something to betray his young wife. He married another girl from the village this one of the same high power like himself.

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