"Rover", I called, using the code name I had made for him for missions like this. Keeping our identities a secret was everything.

"Loud and clear, Wolf", he replied. I shook my head and laughed at the irony of the code name.

"Could've been more creative", I mumbled, stepping out of the ladies room and making my way towards the staircase to make my way to the place where the Accords would be signed. I continued to fidget with the coin, knowing it always managed to keep me calm in situations like this.

"Oh, and Rover's creative?", he asked, a little attitude behind his words.

"Shut up, Tesla", I grinned, trying hard not laugh when I heard Erik cackle on the other end.


I walked into the conference room, seeing some security already scattered around. They looked up at me when I walked in before returning to whatever they were doing.

"The room on your left. Log book's in there."

I opened the door and sure enough, a small book sat on top of the table at the centre of the room. I walked up to it and scanned over it quickly.

The book sorted out which guard was designated to which world leader, and I was about to change mine to you guessed who.

"King T'Chaka, now accompanied by Special Agent Hana", I mumbled, scribbling my name over some other guys name and deciding to allocate him to Tony Stark instead. That should be fun.

"Hey! You don't have clearance to be in here!"

I turned around slowly to see a angry white man who was quickly turning red as he placed his hand over his gun. The door behind him was closed, and I knew by the look on his face he hadn't called backup yet.

"How dare you!", I spat, putting on an act to try and fool him. I saw it was working as his hand dropped from on top of his gun, his expression turning into one of confusion instead.

"Do you know who I am?", I hissed, walking towards him with a deadly glare. His eyes widened in fear but he didn't move from where he stood.

"Can...can I see your I.D please...ma'am?", he asked quietly, gulping when he saw my face again.

"Sure. You can see mine. Then we can see yours before I take it away for good", I said calmly pretending to reach into my pocket but reaching for my gun and butting it against his head. He dropped to the floor unconscious and I sighed in relief.

"Still good?"

The guard began to stand up from the ground, so I grabbed his head and brought it down on my knee, rendering him completely unconscious.

"We are now", I replied, picking the man up and hiding him away in the small room filled with boiler pipes. I tied his mouth, hands and legs up and made sure he was stuck with the pipes.

Without wasting anymore time I left the room and into the now empty main conference room. I decided to wait up here until the guests began arriving so I wandered towards the windows of the building and observed the people below on the streets.

The more I watched the ordinary people below, the more envious I realised I became of them. They had a life I wish I had; simple, easy, and not hate motivated. I tore my gaze away from them, knowing I was only making it worse for myself. It was pointless to wish for such things.

Tala || Black PantherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon