Start from the beginning

She gulped at his closeness indecisive of what her feelings were reflecting. Why was she feeling so nervous when he was so near? It was Adam for Heaven’s sake. Okay he was the most handsome guy she had ever come across with but she knew him ever since he was five years old. It was not as if he was some stranger for which she was having those dumb reactions.

“Adam! Move,” she said certain that her voice would sound assertive considering how much she was feeling annoyed. But instead the words sounded like a pathetic squeak lacking conviction to her own ears.

Needless to say he remained unfazed and she had looked up at him frowning. That had been her second mistake. As soon as her eyes had locked with his, she had felt an inexplicable jolt of electricity when his eyes had changed color. It had been fascinating. Green freckles was filling the hazel background and soon the green color had settled in. It was phenomenal. The green hazel eyes looked back at her with a stormy look full of emotions.

And when she was expecting it the least, he bent and kissed her on the mouth. It was a peck and she gasped in shock unable to move away. Then his lips touched hers again and he smooched them. She resisted at first shouting in protest but the sound was muffled by his tongue which had gained entranced when she had opened her mouth to mark her displeasure. It had been an awkward kiss and she had moved her face away from him before he had time to delve into her mouth.

Moving away from him, she had averted her eyes swearing to herself that if he apologized, she would knock his face off his shoulders. What was the point in apologizing? What was done was done. He had already kissed her and done even more damage.

He waited but she kept her face averted until she felt more than saw him move away from her. It was relief which filled her body when he was finally gone and she was able to relax. And then she allowed herself to be filled with anger.

Adam Crighton was going too far; his advances had become too much to bear. How dared he? How dared he touch her like that?

It was so inappropriate. They were friends; next to being brothers and sisters. How could he even think of her in that way? It appalled her to know that whatever she had believed in from childhood had been a jinx.

Adam Crighton had taken her in when her father had rejected her. He had made her part of his family. She would always be grateful for him for that but she had always considered him as someone harmless. Someone who would protect her no matter what.

And he was doing the exact opposite. He was trying to woo her and then he would leave her like everybody else had done. And then she would just die. She had only Adam as true friend; if he went away, she was sure Zoey and Zach would side with him and so would his family.

And she would be the receiving end of all the speculations and bad mouth. And she could not afford that. Not when the Crightons and Coopers were the only family she had left. There was too much at stake for her and she refused to risk that.

So there was no question of whether she liked Adam or not. Or whether she believed him or not. Although it was the façade she was using for the world. She knew that Adam was the dream of every girl in the city and beyond. Anyone would be glad to have him. Hell, she herself could fall so in love with him. But she knew nothing lasted forever and when he was done with her, there would be fall outs. And she could not afford them.

When he had dared kiss her, she had been scared as hell. It meant that he was going to make a move and she had not known how to reject him. Again. So she had decided to go to New York so that she would be able to avoid him forever.

But Adam had never given up. Not really. When she had moved to New York to end every contact with him, Rhea hadn’t been expecting him to call her again. But he had called her every damned morning even after she had run away from him. And she had had no known how to tackle him. Not then and not now. But she had had enough!

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