"Yes but you have a boyfriend and we both know he is going to ask you" I said as I left the parking lot and drove onto the main road.

"Please come" she whined "Cassie is going and she doesn't have a date"

"Fine, if you'll shut up" I say as I pull into the dress shop parking lot

"Yay" she squealed as she happy danced in her seat.

"Stop it" I laughed "Ok we have 2 hours so let's go"

We got out if the car and walked into the dress shop


"What about this one?" Mikki asked as she walked out of the dressing room.

"Too long, and too yellow" I snickered

"Ok so should I go with the black or the peach" she said looking at two dresses

"I don't know, I have been siting here for an hour... just pick" I groaned

"Good point" she smirked

"Your turn, go find some dresses" she said kicking me in the leg

"Ugh fine" I winged before getting up and grabbing a few dresses


"This one?" I say standing in a long aqua dress

"No I like the first one" Mikki said gesturing for me to turn around.

"Fine I'll put it on again" I sighed

I once again threw on the white, short strapless dress with a end that flows and jewels on the top half of the dress.

"Beautiful" Mikki sighed

"Fine" I complained before taking off the dress and taking it out of the dressing room.

"Wow we are going to look so gooood" Mikki laughed.

"You are" I grunted

"Hey don't talk like that, you look amazing in that dress" she said taking my dress from me.

"These too please" Mikki said as she changed her view from me to the cash register lady

"Ok, these are both original dresses" she smiled

"Nice" Mikki whispered to me

"One of a kinds" she said scanning the dresses

"Nice" Mikki whispered to me

"2800 for both" she smiled

"Wow" I laughed "Here" I say handing Mikki $1400

"Thanks bub" she smiled

"Alright no exchange or return" she smiled handing us the bags "anything else?" she sighs

"Oh yes!!" Mikki jumps

"Masks" she squeals

About an hour later I walk out with a white glitter mask that covers my eyes with a piece of elastic string to keep on my head

Mikki grabbed a black one that has a stick that you hold up on your face.

"Wanna grab a coffee" I sigh putting my dress and school bag in the car.

"Sure" Mikki smiles as we head down the street.

"What about this one" she says pointing to an old looking cafe.

"I don't mind, I just want a coffee" I laugh opening the door into the cafe.

"So how is things with your boyfriend" I smirk

That One Night At Prom (Alfie Deyes and Joe Sugg)Where stories live. Discover now