-Chapitre Deux-

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"Hey Tiana." You greeted the busy brunette out of courtesy, seeing her serve beignets to the guests.

"Hey (Y/n), how you doing tonight? You enjoyin' the party?" Tiana asked kindly.

"Well actually I just arrived, but sure. You're not joining in the dancing?" You were curious; was Tiana still saving up for that restaurant she wanted?

"I'm afraid not. Lottie paid me to cater for the ball tonight, so I'm working right now." Sheesh, all that girl ever did was work.

"I see. I hope you enjoy tonight regardless." You tried to cheer her up and she chuckled, passing you a beignet.

After thanking her, you moved over to one of the tables and sat by yourself - slowly nibbling the tasty treat. Tiana certainly was talented, because the dessert tasted delicious. The evening went on, males coming up to you and requesting a dance. You declined each person, managing to keep up a polite demeanour as you pretended to be not in the mood for dancing. The truth of the matter was that you were too shy to dance. Of course you'd learnt, but that didn't mean you were comfortable doing it.

"Gimme those napkins, quick." Charlotte appeared and snatched the napkins off the table next to you, panicking.

"What for?" You frowned in confusion, not understanding. She hadn't spilled anything on her dress, so why was she so frazzled?

"I swear I'm sweating like a sinner in church." Your friend stuffed some tissue underneath her armpits before pushing the rest between her cleavage, flapping her hands about.

"Oh, (Y/n), is gettin' to be so late." Charlotte fretted; obviously waiting for the prince.

"There's still a few stragglers." You tried to comfort her a little, but sadly it didn't work.

"But Miss Charlotte ...You said later two hours?" A young male approached the worrying girl, making her explode.

"Travis! When a woman says later, she really means not ever!" She snapped at him harshly - sighing.

"Now run along. There are plenty of young fillies dyin' for you to waltz them into a stupor." Charlotte softened her voice and gave him a gentler let-down. But as soon as he was gone...

"This is a failure. (Y/n), my prince is never comin'." She complained, unhappy as her eyes filled with tears. Uh-oh, a Charlotte tantrum-

"Now, Charlotte..." You touched her shoulder but she jerked it away, getting too upset.

"I never get anything I wish for!" Charlotte cried bitterly, tearing off upstairs.

"Charlotte, wait! Please come back!" You caught the tiara as she threw it - feeling awkward. People were going to think you upset her. With a sigh you followed the weeping girl, wondering on how to console her.

"Just calm down and take a deep..."

"Maybe I just got to wish harder." Charlotte spoke over you desperately; looking at the sparkling stars in the night sky.

"Please, please, please please, please..." She begged, pleading with all her might.

"Charlotte this is ridiculous, you can't just wish on a star expecting-"

"Ladies and gentlemen! His Royal Highness, Prince Naveen." A serious voice announced the Prince's arrival, Charlotte recovering from her tantrum almost immediately.

"Well whaddya know..." You murmured thoughtfully, watching your friend snatch the tiara back and reapply her makeup before hurrying to the top of the stairs.

She and the Prince began to dance; the two waltzing romantically on the dance floor. You smiled wistfully before walking down the other stairs, going back to your seat. Charlotte was having a good time, which you supposed was all that mattered. The lovestruck look in her eyes...the seduced smile...Charlotte had really fallen for a man she'd just met. That thought made you scoff slightly - you'd never ever love someone that quickly. Actual love had to be earned, it had to be created and shared by two people.

Once the two lovers had danced for a bit, Charlotte went towards Tiana - probably wanting to serve her partner a "man-catching" beignet or something. Your eyes widened when you saw Tiana though, because the girl was lying by a ruined stall, absolutely covered in spilt food. She looked shellshocked, like she couldn't believe what happened. Poor Tiana. Charlotte - being a good friend - helped her up and lead her towards the stairs, holding her shoulder as she decided to take care of Tiana.

"Oh, Prince Naveen, we'll be right back, sugar!" Charlotte exclaimed in her southern drawl, waving her fan at him before taking Tiana upstairs. Hopefully she was okay.

"Shouldn't a princess like yourself be dancing with, oh I don't know, a prince?" A smooth voice interrupted your thoughts cockily - the speaker making you jump.

You'd never seen this man before, his lanky and lean figure striking you as very appealing. He was dressed up in a scarlet cloak, along with a matching hat and gloves. The male held a grinning mask with eye holes in his hand - really living up to the masquerade stereotype. A ruffly, mauve scarf was tied around his neck, his attire being simple yet seductive. Whoever he was, you already liked him more than the other men here.

"I'm not really in the mood for princes today." You sassily replied, liking his casual tone.

"Ah, right. Not often you see a princess unwilling to dance with princes...now that's a first." He chuckled and sat down next to you - wanting to start a conversation.

"Not my fault I wanted to dress as a genie." You shrugged uncaringly.

"Does the wannabe genie have a name?" The male asked whilst he grinned, amused by your cheeky voice.

"She does." You briefly remarked, watching Charlotte skip down the staircase. He snickered at your response, enjoying your company.

"Mm, I like you." The man's grin deepened; clearly entertained.

"That's what a lot of people say. So what's your name?" You grew a little colder, used to people telling you that. He suddenly stood up, looking like he was about to burst into song.

"A tip of the hat from Dr. Facilier! I'm merely a witch doctor, a little helpful hand towards the citizens of this town. And it is a pleasure to meet a princess such as yourself~" Dr. Facilier introduced himself flirtatiously.

"You're a...witch doctor?" You repeated in confusion, watching him straighten up from a bow.

"Mhm." He smugly nodded - awaiting your reaction.

"So you...help people? With magic? And healing?" You grew a little excited and he noticed that, a devious smile spreading across his face.

"Indeed. Here, take this chérie." Dr. Facilier clicked his fingers and a card appeared between two of them; the simple magic trick entertaining you.

"Wow...um, thank you." You gently took the card, staring at it in surprise.

Tarot Readings

Dreams made...real?

Mascarade [Dr. Facilier x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now