I throw the door open and fling my brush onto the counter, "What?"

        "Quit ignoring me! You're the one who brought some strange-"

        I shove past him and head for the kitchen, "Don't! You don't get to waltz in here after being MIA on a really important day, think you can win me over with a cheap suit and some stupid flowers, and jump to conclusions! It doesn't work that way!"

        Before I realize what I'm doing, I'm reaching for the bottle of wine that's sitting on the counter, chilling in a bucket of ice. I pop the cork and snatch a glass off the rack, pouring myself a generous cup and downing it in three gulps. "And on top of everything, you'd know who that was if you actually fucking paid attention ever to anything besides yourself! That's Pierce..." His expression remains neutral; he has no clue, and I'm even more enraged. "My childhood best friend that lived next door to me almost my entire life..."

        Harry's eyes light up with recognition, "Annie-"

        "No, Harry! This is such bull shit! Where were you today? Why weren't you here?"

        "I had-"

        I hold up a finger, "Let me guess: you had a 'work thing'?" Harry's silence is all the confirmation I need. "It was my sister's wedding for christ's sake! My one and only sister; who is only going to be married once, and you were supposed to walk me down the aisle. But work comes first, right? It's not like you're the biggest fucking popstar on the earth, it's not like you could ask for a day off. Just one day."

        I give up on pouring glasses of wine and begin drinking straight from the bottle. My body slumps against the counter; I hadn't realized how emotionally and physically exhausted I was until right now. Ouf of the corner of my eye, I see Harry coming towards me, and if I wasn't so fatigued, I might walk away. And if I wasn't so weak for him, I might push him off as he pulls me against his chest.


        I sigh against his button-up, "Don't, please."

        One of his hands runs through my hair, "Hear me out." I shake my head weakly as my pathetic attempt at resistance. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry, baby. I know how important today was and I fucked up. I should have pushed harder for the day off, I should have flat out demanded it, really. I'm sorry. There's no excuse for this, for my behavior- not just today, but always when it comes to putting in effort."

        I guess I'm crying; I must be, because Harry pulls away and brushes his thumbs across both my cheeks, collecting tears as they go. His eyes bore into mine, "I'm going to do better, I swear it. I love you so much, Annie."

        I press further into his touch, leaning my face against his palm, "I love you, always, you know that."


        I exhale, "But, I just need to think for a while." My feet take me backwards, out of his grasp, out of the familiarity of his touch.

        "Annie, please. We can work this out. Don't give up on us."

        The desparation in his voice is so heartbreaking that I almost cave, almost step back into his arms and forgive everything. But I can't. I shake my head, "I've lost count of how many times you've sworn it would be different, sworn things would change, but this is too big, this is too much for me right now. I need time to think, to decide if this is something I can get over."

        Harry takes a step towards me and I match it with another one backwards. His eyes are filled to the brim with tears, and my heart is aching for him. "I'm not asking you to get over it, Annie. I'm asking you to  give me another chance, to trust that I really will fix things, and let me prove to you that I can."

        I can't look at him any longer, knowing that I'll cave if I do, so I focus instead on my bare feet, "I'd like you to leave."

        Silence is Harry's response, but I can feel his doe-like green eyes piercing my skin, begging me to look up and acknowledge them. But I don't. I chew on the inside of my cheek to keep from crying, to keep from breaking down. I hold my ground and a moment later he complies, leaving without another word. The second the door clicks shut, I exhale, letting out the breath of air I'd been holding in.

        Part of me is relieved that he's gone, because now I can think properly and process without the pressure of him staring at me and throwing in his two cents. But already I miss him. I know how long it can be before I'll see him again due to his schedule, and this isn't the first time we've fought and I've made him leave.

        One of our worst fights lasted two months because I told him to get the hell out of our apartment and not come back that night. Turns out he had to be in America the next day, and when he said that it only infuriated me more, and I practically shoved him out the door. And me being the unreasonable person I am, told him that I wasn't going to work things out with him via computer or cell phone, so he could save it until he could give me the proper attention I deserve. We didn't talk for six weeks, both of us too stubborn to initiate conversation, and even then, it was small pleasantries and 'I miss you's.

        It was our worst fight to date and honestly, the hardest two months of my entire life. My head spins as I think of what this fight could bring, and if it's anything like that, I don't think I can do it. I have some serious thinking to do.

        My feet drag across the carpeted floor as they carry me to the bedroom. When I reach the bed, I fall into it, curling up on my side, facing the window. The full moon shines brightly, illuminating the room in a soft glow. The tears come then, with a vengeance, and my body is shaking as I sob. Seconds later, the bed shifts and Pierce wraps his arms around my torso, balancing his chin on my shoulder.

        He doesn't say anything; he doesn't have to. Countless nights of teenage, melodramatic Annie have taught him well. He knows better than anyone what comforts me when I'm feeling low, when my heart is broken. I'm tired, and drained, and feel like utter shit, but I couldn't be more grateful for my best friend than I am right now.


hiiiiii. this is absolute shit i'm sorry pls forgive me xoxo

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