Chapter 2

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I step into the room.

Sitting on the chair, is the President.

I can't even say anything. Yeah, I've seen him a few times during the last Games but I've never been in his presence.

"Good afternoon, Miss Rollo."He says as he sips his tea.

I clear my throat as I sit in a chair across from the mahogany desk he's sitting at. My mother made tea and cookies.You can hear little Grace wailing as she was given a bath.

"You have a wonderful family."He says.

"Thank you."

Moments of silence. Sipping tea. Silence.

"Miss Rollo. There are some problems you have presented."

"What problems?"

I know Haymitch said that I have to keep the "crazy in love "thing going, and I have. I mean, I've tried my best.

"Let me tell you a secret. Last year, with Miss Everdeen and Mr Mellark, there was a little rebellion going on. And what they did, didn't help. And no matter what these Gamemakers think, they never learn. Never let the "star crossed lovers" leave the arena. Never.Now, Miss Rollo, Miss Everdeen and Peeta are dead. I do not need a repeat of last years events. This is a stable system. I'd like to keep it that way."President Snow said very calmly, not even blinking or looking away while he stated that.

So he basically told me he killed off Peeta and Katniss. Such a shame. They were nice together and Peeta was cute. He didn't send them into the Games a second time by accident. He killed them off because there was a problem. I even remember the temporary Peacekeeper shutdown, where we were hungry for days.

Who knew a bunch of silly teenagers could collapse an entire system?

"I-I haven't...I wouldn't..."I stuttered.

"Very good, Miss Rollo. Now I'll have to stop leaving poison berries in the arena for you pesky children."He rose, adjusted his suit, fixed the rose in his lapel, and stood up.

"Keep that romance of yours with Mr.Daniel fresh, Miss Rollo.It such a shame to have to repeat the events from last year."

As he leaves the room, I remember to breathe. The President Of Panem came in my house, ate my cookies, told me a secret, threatened me, and left.

I'm in trouble.Big Time.

The 77th Hunger Games: The Victors(on hold)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat