This Is Just The Begining

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Vikkstar pov:

I saw a lot of my army with a lot of people, I mean like at least 10 million. I went over there, and confronted their leader.

"How is this so big"

"This is a squad of multiple youtuber"

"Now please leave, and we'll go in peace"

"Join our side"


"We can host a treaty, but we can never do that"

"Ok, then a treaty it is"

"But before that, we want to test out your skill"

Next Day-----------

Gamer Chad's POV:

We so far on good term with one of the most powerful nations, I hope nothing go wrong.

"First we're gonna test you with team strat. pick three, and we'll pick three."

For this I chose my my favorite fans, Cye and Hannah.

"Interesting that you pick your fans"

"I wonder why"

We both have the same thing. They're in for a big surprise. I told Hannah and Cye to get Lachlan, and they succeeded. I found preston while I was on the ground, I shot him ten times in a row, and he died from fall damage. Vikk, we had to chase, Hannah and Cye went ahead, and I stay behind to get the kill with the bow and arrow.


"You killed all of us without using the actual voice thing or anything, that youtubers had as an advantage for team."

"Ok, you're definitely worth of a treaty, but we need to rest your other skills"

The next test they were gonna test me on long range with the bow and arrow, I started at fifty blocks away from the target. and I succeeded, until like two hundred fifty blocks away.

Next challenge, parkour, they told me I was decent at it. Last, they just decided to let me tell my strengths. 

"Being stuck to a corner, hitting moving players, focusing on one player or a team for killing." 

"Wow, being stuck in a corner is actually a disadvantage."

That what they think, but I trained brutally and fierce by myself. I do not do that with my teammates, I watch them them train and help them improve. My top comrades, (Cye and Hannah)train with me, they're my apprentices (not actually in youtube, but he does let them on private servers). The other youtubers, they don't know how to train their squad like me. The other famous youtuber that I collab every now and then, they have their group, they train their own. 

time skip----------

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2018 ⏰

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