My Mate

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Walking back to my class i hope my hair isn't messed up from being tossed around and slammed everywhere . i walk into class and i sit back down T comes in the room shortly after wards and gives me a wink i smile and look down at my paper trying to focus on my paper when a note comes toward me with t's number and a note saying “ i called your mom and told her you found your mate and that you're coming to my  house after school." i looked up at him and he smiled suddenly the bell rang i got up at darted for the door next thing you know i felt a arm around my shoulders . I looked up and seen him and tried to remove his arm it was my male best friend Joe . He asked me what's wrong i said “ i found my mate and he is very possessive " i was soon cut of bye t pushing Joe and saying “ get your hands off mine" Joe pushed him back and said “ fuck you " i stopped it because it was getting heated and dragged t away saying “ i got something for you "  and winked . i was just trying to get him distracted i was going to give a kiss but he thought i was talking about something else. He picked me up and dragged me into the bathroom . T ran the school so he told every one to get out. he pulled me into a stall lifting my dress up and panty down before i said “ I was just going to give you a kiss " he looked at me and said “ well now your giving me more than that" and started laughing as i got scared . “ I'm just kidding but u got to be careful with your words he pulled me panty up and dress down and kissed me and whispered “ wait to we get home " i ran out the bathroom and went to the cafeteria where my friends were and told them everything.....


It's last block and the bells going to ring any second ding i walk out the class with my stuff heading to my lockers . i got my stuff out my lockers and started to get on the bus . T grabbed my body and dragged me into his car “ didn't i tell you that you were coming home with me " he said. “Your not the boss of me" wrong thing to say he grabbed me and said “ Yes the fuck i am your mine and only mine if you disobey i will teach you a lesson . Now put your damn seat belt on"  i hurried and put it on and we drove away .

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