Chapter 20

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Sabine's POV

A couple of days before I was due to fly home we had to Fall showcase.

"I'm pretty sure that it is official winter," I grumbled to Carey as we headed towards the hall.

He just laughed at me before pushing the door open. All the art was in one section and there were also seats to watch the performances that would be happening throughout the evening. I was wearing a nice, navy dress with long lace sleeves and pink heels.

"How long does this run?" I asked.

"I asked Mrs Williams and she thought a couple of hours but I don't know for sure," he told me.

I nodded before follow him inside. We had already been in the hall to set up our painting. It was only performers and artist there so far as it didn't start for another half an hour.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked.

We had gone over what we would talk about but it would just be people coming up to talk to us and ask us questions. There wasn't much to do before people started to come in so I sat down to wait. It seemed to take forever for it to actually start and for people to come in.

I was surprised with the number of people that walked in to begin with. Some of them headed straight for the seats but at least half of them headed towards the art.

"What is this about?" a woman asked.

I turned around to explain to her how Carey and I worked together and it represented where we were from.

"What was it like working with another person?" someone else asked.

"It was really interesting because we have different styles but it was cool to work with someone."

It was interesting to talk to everyone because people always had different questions to ask and ones that I hadn't expected. Carey and I were always having separate conversations but I could half hear his answers.

It was really cool to have everyone that wasn't necessary art people looking and appreciating our work. I was glad when everyone left and I could stop talking.

"Fuck, that was a lot," I said after gulping down water.

"it was really cool," Carey added.

I smiled before sitting down on the ground, not caring about my dress. I pulled my heels off because they were starting to rub and Carey sat down beside me.

"If Mrs Williams asks would you like to do a similar one for the Spring showcase?" he asked.

"I think so because it was a lot of fun," I told him.

He nodded and we continued to sit there. Just at that moment Mrs Williams came over.

"I'm so proud of you two," she started.


"Lots of people were coming up to me to tell me that our work was their favourite," she continued.

I smiled at the compliments.

"What are you going to do with the painting?" she asked.

I glanced at Carey and shrugged. I hadn't even thought about what we were going to do with it.

"Do you want to hold onto it for now at least?" I asked him.

"Yeah, we can have a conversation about it later."

I stood up before offering a hand to Carey. He used it to pull himself up off the ground.

"Thanks for getting us to do this," I said to Mrs Williams.

"Of course, you two are my best students."

I smiled brightly at that before grabbing my heels.

"I'll see you later," I told them.

It wasn't a long walk back to the dorm but I was making sure to walk very slowly since I wasn't using crutches and I didn't want to hurt my ankle more. I didn't notice Carey come up until he wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Don't want you getting more hurt," he said.

I couldn't believe that he had thought about it. I leant against him and mostly let him walk and I limped. I was slightly surprised that he knew where my dorm room was. I was slightly surprised to see Callie was still awake.

Carey helped me to the bed before saying goodbye again. I watched him head out before turning to look at Callie.

"You seem to spend a lot of time with Carey," she smirked.

"I guess."

"I think that you like him," she teased.

I shrugged but I then headed straight to the bathroom. I sat on the floor for a minute. Callie had made me think about it. Now that Carey and I were spending more time together I found myself liking him more as a friend.

Callie had made me wonder if I also liked him as more than that. I wasn't sure so there was no point in me thinking about it now so I pushed it out of my mind and got organised for bed.

Callie was curled up in bed still and looked at me when I sat on mine.

"Are you sure that you don't like Carey?" she asked.

"I don't want to talk about," I muttered.

She laughed at me.

"I think that he would be good for you. You seem to work well," she added.

I blinked slightly but she didn't say anything more. I rolled over but I couldn't seem to get Carey out of my mind. I knew that Carey was attractive since he was in good shape and very attractive.

Fuck, maybe I did like him.


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The Wise One

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