Chapter 11: Love is in the Air

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Having gone backwards in my health progress during the trip to Arcton, I was required in the medical ward for a check-up three days later. Ezri examined me while Princess Lissa watched with a mischievous smile.

"Did you enjoy your trip to Arcton?" she asked.

"It was quite pleasant, I suppose, milady."

"I heard you went dancing with Merton!"

I glared at Ezri. "What did you tell her?"

"Oh, it was Cordelia," Princess Lissa said. "But Ezri gave me the goods, too -- about how demanding Merton was for him to look after you." She clasped a hand to her chest. "It's so romantic! We're going to form a Calla-and-Merton club: Cordelia, Ezri, Yukio, and me...and I bet Robin would approve if we talked to her!"

Alarm stabbed through me. "Princess Robin does not need to be involved in this, milady. Whatever would she think? The commanders can never be together, and such teasing about it may concern her."

"What do you mean, they can't be together?" Princess Lissa frowned. "Chrom married his tactician!"

"Commanders have never married in the history of Ylisse."

"You can set a shining example for others to follow!"

Good gods, was she hoping all our successors would do the same? "Milady, really --"

"Thankfully, you're on the mend again, Commander." Ezri straightened. "You might be able to fly in a few weeks."

I smiled. "Truly?"

"Yes. I'm just going to fetch more vulneraries, and then you'll be free to go. I won't be a moment."

Cindy, standing a little further down the room and changing the bedding on an empty cot, sneered. "Don't break them all."

Ezri walked past her, his head held high.

"He seems more confident," I murmured.

Princess Lissa nodded. "He has been ever since he came back. I think it's thanks to you."

"All I did was drink his tea and snap at him."

"He said that you've been very patient and kind. I think he's started looking up to you like an older sister." She whistled. "Merton really has mellowed you."

Ezri returned before I could think of a reply that wouldn't betray me, vulneraries clutched in his hands.

Cindy raised her eyebrows as he walked past. "I didn't hear the sound of breaking glass."

"I didn't drop any."

She watched him for a moment. Then she carried on changing the bedding without another rude remark.

Ezri handed me the vulneraries with care. When the third trainee sidled up beside him, he looked away. "Juliana?"

"Confidence is the key to everything," she said.

She kissed him on the cheek, and he flushed crimson.

Princess Lissa smiled again. "Love is really in the air around here!"

Involuntarily, my thoughts wandered to Merton.


When my check-up was over, I went to the study I shared with Merton and blushed as soon as I saw him. Then I threw myself into my work to forget everything Princess Lissa had said.

In the late afternoon, a servant came and informed Merton that he had a letter. He left to collect it alone. I sat in the study, bouncing my good leg and drumming my fingers on the paperwork.

Unscripted Love | Fire Emblem AwakeningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora