I looked at the stranger confused and then looked at Winwin. Winwin looked at me and his face expression changed dramatically.

"Wait. Wait a minute. Uhm, MY SISTER?!" Winwin exclaimed loudly. What is going on?

"Is this what you meant by her?!" Winwin asked the stranger in what it seems an angry tone.

"What?! No!" The stranger replied. Alright, they seem to know each other.

"I don't know what you guys are arguing about but let's enter first, it's freezing outside." I said pushing the two males into the unit.

"Lily, do you know this guy?" Winwin asked me.

"No, he needed help to go somewhere here on the same floor but that person had terrible handwriting, couldn't tell what number he wrote. Now that I think about it, you have ugly handwriting too." I laughed. However, Winwin looked unamused.

"Oh, this was the place he was looking for." I realised after Winwin still kept his poker face on.

"Okay then, what did Winnie meant by her?" I asked the stranger. He was still holding the bag. I gestured  him to place it on the kitchen table.

"Winnie? Wow Winwin that's a cute nickname." The stranger laughed. Winwin just glared at me. I just stuck my tongue out.

"Oh, I like this girl and apparently, if I get to ask her on a date, I have to bring her here as proof for Winwin cause he doesn't think I'll get the girl. If I failed, I have to cook Winwin dinner." He said the last part with his head hung low. Guess he didn't get the girl.

"But, I came here to cook Winwin dinner." I said.

"Oh, I guess we'll cook him dinner together." The dimpled stranger chanted. However, Winwin immediately separated us and stood in between us.

"Okay, but no fooling around. My sister is off limits." Winwin said sternly. Both me and the stranger laughed out loud.

"Please, Winnie don't try to act like those cool older brothers in dramas. I'm 18 and you're 19. I'm legal." Winwin just pouted his lips and nodded his head.

"Alright, alright Lily. Just don't set the place on fire alright ?"

"Winwin the whole point I'm here is because you were sure you might burn the place down." I said laughing, the stranger did as well. Winwin just walked away to the living room embarassed.

"Hey, Winwin didn't tell me your name. Mine is Mei Hua but you can call me Lily if you like." I said while extending my right hand. He shook it gently.

"Mine is Jung Jaehyun but you can call me Jaehyun or Jeffrey." He replied.

"Jeffrey?" I said while giggling.

"Yeah, my friend made it up for me so I went with it." He laughed as well.


"Winnie! The food is ready!" I shouted from the kitchen. Jaehyun was placing the plates and cutlery on the dining table as I scooped out rice into a large bowl. I did the same with the chicken and some other side dishes.

"Wow, looks so good. Thanks Lily!" Winwin said as he took a seat.

"No thanks for me?" Jaehyun said as he took a seat as well.

"And you too Jaehyunnie." Winwin replied to him as he gave him a flying kiss. Jaehyun accepted it. Huh, no wonder Winwin doesn't have a girlfriend.


After we ate our dinner, we decided to watch a movie. For some reason, the guys wanted to watch The Silence of the Lambs.

Throughout the movie, Jaehyun and Winwin were hugging each other, scared on the sofa. I was on the floor unamused. Scary or horror movies don't really scare me that well. I chuckled at the sight of them screaming every time a scary scene plays.

After the movie ended, Jaehyun went home. It was about 10 p.m. so me and Winwin decided to watch another movie to calm down. We ended up watching Stupid,Crazy, Love. We laughed at the funny scenes and slowly I could tell Winwin was not scared anymore.

Halfway through the movie, I fell asleep. I ended up hugging Winwin's arm with my head on his shoulder.


Winwin's POV

Halfway through the movie, I realised that Lily fell asleep beside me. I chuckled lightly as I gently removed her from my arm and shoulder.

"Lily, where's your keys?" I whispered to her left ear.

She just mumbled something incoherently. But among those words I heard she said table. I nodded and went to the kitchen table. I found them and place them in my front jean pocket.

I gently carried Lily bridal style of from the sofa. I didn't want her to sleep on the sofa, it might get uncomfortable.

I closed the door with my foot and headed straight to the stairs.

As soon as I reached Lily's place, I realised that I couldn't get her keys from my pocket.

"Shit, should have hold it in the first place." I muttered.

"Hey, man need some help?" Someone tapped my shoulder which almost, ALMOST made me drop Lily into the floor.

"Woah, you scared me." I replied to the male stranger. He was really tall.

"Yeah um, first question you're not a guy who's not crazy and is obsess with girls that he kills girls and cuts their skin off so he could sew them together and wear it like a mask right?" I questioned him in one breath. Silence of the Lambs still lingered in my mind and I couldn't stop thinking about it.

"No man, I'm just a normal guy." He replied.

"Alright, could you um carry her for a bit, she slept at my place so I brought her back here."

"Wait you walked all the way here from your place to hers?! Isn't that crazy?" The stranger asked me as he took Lily from my arms.

"Oh, we live on the same block. So no not that crazy." I fished out Lily's keys from my pocket and unlocked her unit.

We both entered as I switch on the lights. Once light lighted the whole place, I took a better look on the stranger. He was very good looking and also not psychologically crazy looking. He seemed fine to me. If he did something I have at least some martial moves up my sleeve.
"Follow me to her bedroom."

As the stranger place Lily on her bed, she unconsciously grab the stranger's arm.

"I want Cheerios. I want Cheerios. Please get some for me." Lily muttered. Man, she's sleep talking again.

"She does this sometimes. She's a bit weird." I said to the stranger.

"Weird? Perhaps so."

"Please get me some, I'll love you forever." Lily continued as she still held the strangers arm.

"Mei Hua, I'll get you some tomorrow okay? Let go of the stranger's arm." I sternly whispered to Lily.


"Promise." The stranger replied to her as they pinky sweared. I don't know how Lily does this while still unconscious. With that, she let go of the stranger's arm.

"Man I'm so sorry for just now, my sister sleep talks sometimes."

"It's cool, besides I guess I own her some Cheerios."

"You gonna buy them for her?"

"Yeah, man." He said while raising his forehead.

"You look like Justin Bieber if you do that."

"I know right! Your sis said so earlier!" He replied. Wait what? They met before? Justin Bieber?

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