"Thank you for having dinner with me." He lifted his hand up to brush a piece of hair away from my face. I shivered lightly at his gentle touch. 

"Thank you for taking me." I blushed. 

"Can I have your number? I'd like to do this again." He boldly asked while taking a step closer towards me. I couldn't help but hesitate, a pair of vibrant green eyes appearing in my mind. I quickly shake it away. Harry hadn't shown any interest in me. Why should I pass an offer for a second date with a nice guy if he is too slow to do anything. 

"Okay." I pulled out my phone and passed it to Chase. He unlocked it, pressing his numbers into it. He quickly called himself and declined the call.

"There we go." He handed me back my phone, his hand gently grazing over mine. 

"Thank you again." 

"You're welcome." Chase replies while leaning in slightly. His lips brush against my cheek softly. Butterflies didn't erupt inside of me nor did I feel a burning sensation from his touch. But I still shivered slightly and smiled up at him. 

"Goodnight." I say, earning a small goodnight back. 

"I can't believe you went to dinner with Chase last night and gave him your number." Jaz had been going on and on about my run in ever since I told her this morning. She kept saying how great Chase was and how he was so attractive. "You two would be cute together. But what about that cute guy from the bookstore?" Harry. 

"He hasn't shown any interest," which was true. I couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed but brushed it off. Maybe he just wanted to be friends. 

"Doesn't he spend every day with you?"


"And you still don't think he likes you?"

"Like I said. He hasn't said anything." I argued half heartedly. 

"He's a guy. They're slow like that. Oh!" Her eyes quickly lit up as she began to bounce up and down. "Why don't you invite him to our dinner tomorrow night." 

"I don't know."  I hesitated.

"There's no harm in asking him to come join us. Just one more person for the asshole that is Haz to meet." Jaz rolled her eyes annoyed at the mere mention of Ben's brother. 

"Okay. I'll ask him today."


It had been two hours since Harry arrived at the bookstore. He was sitting in the back, reading Fight Club. I had been debating all morning wether or not to ask him to join us tonight. I couldn't help but wonder if he'd say yes or not. I wanted him to come. Even though I didn't know where he stood feelings wise towards me, I was still intrigued by him. 

Just do it, Iz. Go and ask him. I gave myself one more push and walked over to where he sat. 

"Hey, Harry?" I softly asked, my voice quivering slightly at the end. The nerves getting to me. Harry looked up from his book, his eyes piercing right through me. 

"Isabella." He smirked. I rolled my eyes at my full name and took a seat beside him. 

"I was wondering, if you weren't doing anything tomorrow night, if you wanted to come to small dinner party thing at my place. My roommate and I are throwing one and are inviting friends over and stuff. I just figured, we are kinda friends, or I guess more acquaintances, but er- anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to come. Because I think you're cool and would like for you to come?" I smacked myself and internally groaned at my awkwardness. Pull your shit together. 

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