"Hello love. A table for two?" He asked, his voice laced with charm. 

She giggled and looked down at her book. How typical is she? I couldn't help but ask myself. She was being ridiculously stereotypical. "Right this way." 

Blondie led us towards the bar, setting two menus on a high table that was sat close to it. Chase slid my stool out for me and I carefully jumped up, care to not fall. He sat down at his own and pulled a menu up. "Have you had dinner?"

"No, but I'm not hungry."

"You have to eat, Izzy." He laughed. 

"Right." I looked over the menu quickly and decided to order a plate of hot wings and a beer. 

"A woman after my own heart," He joked, ordering the same thing. 

"I like food, what can I say." I laughed back. 

The night was pleasantly delightful. Chase was a real gentleman. He was also rather charming and quite the flirt. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but at the same time could not deny the attraction I felt towards him. He was intelligent, majoring in Philosophy, but also quite clever. He loved soccer, ("Football, love." He laughed at my American accent and poked fun at my American pronunciation. If he wasn't so attractive, I'd be slightly offended.) and was quite the sport enthusiast. 

He had paid for the meal, even though I had insisted that we split it. But he had won our little argument by seducing our waitress. Even though he claims that he was not. I called bullshit on that one! 

The night was cool but not too cold. The streets were still busy with people. For a Thursday night, I was surprised by the many people that surrounded me. 

"Are you enjoying good ol' London?" Chase asked. We had been walking towards my apartment while talking about random things. I really enjoyed talking to him. 

"I am! It's not what I expected but I'm glad it isn't. It's different than New York, but in the best way possible, you know? I really am glad I decided to move here." 

"Do you miss home?" 

"Sort of. Not really?"

"You don't miss home? Wow." He looked at me skeptically. I only shrugged my shoulders in response. 

"My parents and I are very different," I carefully explained. "They are very into the high life, whereas I am the opposite. I rather live in a dingy apartment in Brooklyn surviving on Mac and Cheese, whereas they'd die if they set foot inside the subway."

"There's nothing wrong with that. Subways are disgusting." 

"Have you even been on one?"

"Once, while I was visiting my sister at NYU. I went on it once and could not handle the smell of piss. I made sure to get a rental car. Those things are dirty. If you have the money, use it I say." 

I cringed at that. I hadn't realized he was into the prestigious lifestyle. "I'd rather use my money for something good and productive. Not waste it on caviar and rental cars." I quipped back. 

"You're a strange girl," He laughed.

"I am not strange," I quickly defended myself. Way to lose points, dick head. If he keeps this up there would be no second date. I definitely agreed with my inner voice on that one. 

"Sorry! Iz, I didn't meant to offend you." He quickly caught on to my quick change in tone and apologized. 

"That's fine. This is my stop." We finally walked up to my apartment door. Chase stood in front of the entrance and blocked me from entering. His bright blue eyes stared into me intently. His lips quirking up into a smirk. 

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